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His body ached like always. The lack of food in his system always had an outcome. Stomach aches, headaches, and nausia were common symptoms for his hunger. But like always he pushed the pain aside and looked around his dark room and over to his sisters. They were all forced into a room due to the other rooms being wasted or occupied. The house had 4 rooms, 2 being used as bedrooms, one as an office, and the last one was always locked or smelled like weed or other drugs.

Techno placed kisses on his sisters foreheads before getting ready for school. He always had to get ready first. He wanted to make sure his sisters were protected as they got ready so he would behave like a bodyguard so it wouldnt happen again. He was foolish back then but now he was their role model. Yet the lingering feeling of fear never left him as he showered, cause if something happens while he's in there then he would be too late. He pushed the feeling aside and hurried up. After about 9 minutes he exited the bathroom, toothbrush in hand and fully clothed. He woke his sisters and followed then to the bathroom door which he guarded the outside of. He brushed his teeth and wrapped his neck in his scarf.

He rushed his sisters out of the bathroom and made sure they were dressed in what made them the happiest. If his sister wanted pigtails he would do it for her, if his sister didnt want to wear a skirt and instead jeans then he would find a pair of fitting jeans and let her wear them. He just wanted them to be comfortable. He brought out the backpacks and carried them all. His sister grabbed the house key and they were finally out.

Though people would thing Techno would be the sweater type of person, he actually wore a light cream dress shirt with jeans and combat boots. No one questioned it cause he pulled the look off well, even with the stupid crown clip that brought his look together. He was dressed like royalty with a kings robe red scarf that overlapped his neck. He always caught peoples eyes and even had a little harem, but was too scared and shy to converse with them. It was a harem of people that wanted to get closer to him, which he didnt understand? he was only there for about 2 weeks and he had a cult following his every move. He had only known them by some names that were passed around.

Deo or better known as TimeDeo who was basically leader ans started the whole damn thing, Calvin who had done a project with Techno, Simon who was very popular but liked to chill with the less chatty kids, Squid who pretended to hate Techno but deep down just wanted to talk to him a lot, Finn who was really good friends with Mega, Fruit and Fire who tutor Techno after school sometimes if their free, Sapnap who is friends with Dream but is kinda a simp still, and Skeppy and Bad who are close friends with Mega. The harem was HUGE yes, and GOD they have a big impact. They were very curious of the pinkette. Like, about why his hair was dyed pink? or about the crown and scarf. The little things that made the pinkette stand out were always the focus among the group.

Techno couldnt lie. The constant buzzing from the group amazed him, and it was always fun when one of them finally gained confidence to try and talk to him. He always gave a little giggle that would set the member's heart to flames of pure awe.

Ok, enough about the harem. Techno always had a person who was too curious about his life, Dream. He could use his real name but then he would have to give Dream his, and that wasnt a risk worth making. But now that the bell has rung, the harem and Techno had to go to classes.

This period Techno, Dream, and his sister had the same class. English was always Techno's strongsuit but when it came to patricipation it was always a struggle. People knew he could speak but they didnt know why he had decided not to, it was always a secret that he had only shared with one person...Mega. He was infact, the only person Techno talked to other then some teachers. Mega knew so little about Techno, but it was suprising to know that he knew more about the pinkette then everyone else. Techno's sisters never talked to anyone else but Techno and some people they became friends with, so asking them would lead to an instant shut down of the question.

The only person who got anything out of Techno's sisters was annoying. The only thing Dream got out of the sisters was, "That clip means alot to him, he got it from the hospital" and that was spread around the harem like arson. None of them brought up the hospital to Techno cause they knew it would be a bad idea. But it always lingered in their heads... why was he in the hospital?

The hospital must have been a big point in Techno's past but they dont want to pry. It infact was important... very important. The hospital held alot of Techno's life and what happened to him. He trusted everyone there... like Dr. Philza and Nurse Wilbur. But this isnt about them, atleast not for now.

The bell had yet again rung sending all the students to the exit. Techno made his way to his locker and pulled out his gym clothing. a slam could be heard from beside him as he turned to see Dream with a smirk plastered on his lips. "Technooo, where you goin? Gym? not with the scarf on, take it off pleaseee?" He had gotten so desperate that he would do anthing for that damn scarf to be removed. All Techno was left with was a glare thet sent chills down Dream's spine before we spin on his heels and headed to gym.

Gym wasnt really exciting in Techno's opinion. His gym clothes were half thigh shorts, a white t-shirt and his scarf. He used a pair of sketchers from one of the harem members Sapnap. They never failed to light up but it never mattered cause Techno didnt participate in gym so he would sit in a corner and tap his feet on the floor to see the beautiful arrangement of colors that omitted from the sides of the shoes. One or two of the harem members would sit with him and talk with eachother (Techno would never speak and if he did it would be a small "mmhm"). The two would always be Calvin and Squid. They were the competitive type but loved to sit with Techno, Calvin would always pull out his phone and play games or watch videos with the two till gym ended. And today was no different.

To be honest, Squid and Calvin were waiting for lunch so they can meet with the rest of the group to tell them what types of games and videos Techno likes. They were planning on making presents for Techno cause they were simps- i mean, they liked hanging around him. The gift was gonna be special, so they hope that he would like it.

˜"*°•.˜"*°• end of day •°*"˜.•°*"˜

Techno gathered up his sisters and parted ways with Mega. The walk home was long but enjoyable cause he could hear about his sisters' day. He always gave feedback and praise to make his sisters happy cause that was all that had mattered to him...that his sisters were happy. He didnt care about himself, and to be honest if it wasnt for his sisters...

He wouldn't be here

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