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calling each other for 5 months now. And let me tell you she is the sweetest, kind, adorable. When i dont feel good and i dm her, no matter where she is, she will call, on the phone or ft. She knows exactly how to make me feel better, telling me jokes so I'll laugh, or tell me some interesting story about her on set of ahs. She is a very interesting person.

Today we are supposed to call in one hour and I'm so excited. I got dressed in my favorite outfit, because well i wanted to show it to her and i did a french braid. I look at myself in the mirror liking how i look. And when i look at the time I'm almost late.
I grabbed my laptop and sit on my bed opening it and wait for her to call.

Couple minutes pass and she isn't calling. I start to overthink. What if she forgot? What if she found a funnier girl on tiktok. What if she thinks i'm weird.

Is it strange that i used to have a crush on her and now i don't. I feel like im falling for the real sarah. The one who laughs at my stupid joke and knows how to make me feel better.  She definitely doesn't think the same. I mean why even would she? This isn't a wattpad story after all. It will never ever happen. can you imagine a fan and her idol falling in love. while im waiting i make a tiktok, as im making it sarah call. I rush to my laptop and open it.

"Hey! Sorry im so late i had a little emergency." She smiles softly.

"That's okay i was making a tiktok about you" i laugh a little and she laughs too.

"Tell me y/n how are you? Are you better than last time." She was worried about me and it made me feel bad.

"I'm better yes thank you so much. You would tell me if you didn't wanted to call right?" I asked nervously biting my lips.

"I would tell you yes, but you know i love to call you sweetheart. You always know how to make me laugh and you always have something interesting to say. Why wouldn't i want to call? Sorry i was late i was planning something." She puts her phone down and walk away.

"You're to sweet sarah.  Thank you. Where are you? Are you trying to scare me again?" I sigh looking at the screen only seeing her couch.

"No I'm not gonna scare you. Im just looking for something, wait a second." She laughed.

Now i can't help but wonder what she is looking for? I'm sure she's just gonna scare me. Again. She must be thinking im ellen because she scare me. As if she wants revenge. Or she's getting ready to scare ellen and she try on me? Wooh y/n stop overthinking for a second.

"Hello? Earth to y/n." Sarah snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Yes? Did you find what you were looking for?" I asked extremely curious.

"Yes. I did fortunately." She smiles widely which makes me wonder what it could be even more.

"What is it? Can i know?" I pout looking at her through the screen.

"Its for you actually... you know how much we call each other and both complain that we cant be physically together and how much it sucks." She proceed to say.

"Yes of course. Yes but what is it? You know how curious i am!" I say sitting more comfortably on my bed.

"Well uh... i kind of bought you a plane ticket, for next week." She showed them to me. I smile widely and i have tears in my eyes.

"Are you serious!! Like for real, you want to meet me? You dont think I'm creepy or that I'm gonna like tell everyone your adress." I laugh.

"Are you gonna give everyone my adress?  Are you creepy." She raised her eyebrows.

"No... definitely not. Sorry its just-" she cut me off instantly.

"A dream? Stop with that... its not a dream i really like you and i want to meet you. Is it that hard to believe?" Sarah rolled her eyes.

"Well uh yes. You're my celebrity crush and i just can't believe it, i mean you're my friend now, we grew a friendship its something i only could've dreamed about."  I was let's admit it in shock i mean sarah paulson buying me a ticket so i can go see her. Does she LIKE me too? Don't get your hope to high y/n.

"I can promise its not a dream. I really want to meet you, so is it a yes or a no? Also look" she shows me her nails and i laugh. "French tips honey hm" i laugh even more.

"Yes i will, i mean how could i say no to sarah paulson and her French tips." I bite my lips and look at her lovingly, she must have noticed it because she hummed loudly.

"Y/n when you'll come here there is something important we need to discuss..." she suddenly was serious and i was still procession the fact that she asked me to visit her.

"Yes of course sarah, I'll listen. Thank you you mean the world to me sarah." I blow a kiss and she blow one right back.

"Oh you mean the world to me too sweetheart.  So glad you made that tiktok." She winked which made me blush.

"You're beautiful, really beautiful." She shake her head and i nodded. "Yes you're, no make up just your so beautiful Natural beauty, you're like glowing and your smile, just makes you glow even more." I didn't realise how much i was speaking.
Until sarah snapped at me.

"Okay... i got to go now. Work is calling me but we will call again really soon so we can plan all of that. Also i will send you the ticket okay?"

"Yes i can't wait, don't overtired yourself okay?  I know you work alot, but please don't go to far.." she simply nodded and end the call.

What does she wants to tell me.
And she wants to tell me in real so it must be important.
Im still processing everything. How am i gonna tell my friends, can i tell them? Do i need to keep it for myself? I have no idea i will need to discuss this with sarah...

Hello you probably have read those but i needed to upload them so i could continue

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