A Pirate's Life For Me

Depuis le début

"What's up?" I asked.

"I don't think we've apologized for how we used to treat you yet," Pintel said.

"Yeah. We're really sorry," Ragetti said.

I smiled. "No worries. You guys made up for it a while ago."

"You've proven yourself to be a fine pirate, Miss Xiao Long," Barbossa said.

I smiled at him. "Thanks. I've had more fun here than I've had in a while."

"Well it's hard not to have more fun than being a slave," Jack said.

I laughed. "That's not what I meant!"

Captain Elton walked up to me. "Do ye like it here with us?"

I looked up at him. "Of course! You guys are some of the best friends I've ever had!"

Elton smiled. "Good. We care about ye, and what ye want. If ye wanted to leave, we would let ye go, as long as it made ye happy."

My smile widened. "Thank you, Captain." I smirked, and decided to toy with him. "But are you sure you wouldn't miss these?" I pointed at my chest.

He blushed, and turned away, and everyone burst out laughing.

"Not me point!" Elton shouted.

I laughed even harder. "Sorry, o mighty one!"

He put his hands on the gold necklace on his neck, which we'd stolen on our last adventure.

"But we do care about ye," he said. "And we are happy to have ye on our crew."

He pulled off the gold necklace, walked over to Jack, and handed it to him.

"Give this to her," he said.

"Why me?" Jack asked, taking it.

"Because she clearly likes you the most," he said.

Jack turned to me. "I'll try not to mess up your hair."

I giggled. "If you do, I will turn your skull into dust!" I raised my fist, and Jack leaned back. I smirked. "Savvy?"

He smirked back. "You're a lot more confident than you used to be."

I turned away from him, and moved my hair out of the way so he could put the necklace on. He moved closer to me, and put it around my neck. I could feel my face heat up from how close he was behind me.

Barbossa caught it, and I could hear him whisper, "You fancy him."

I glared at him with red eyes, and he turned away, acting like nothing happened.

"There you are," Jack said, giving me my personal space back.

After my eyes went back to their usual lilac color, I turned back to him, and looked down at the necklace.

"It looks beautiful on ye," Elton said.

I smirked. "Everything looks beautiful on me."

"Unless it messes up your hair," Jack added.

I rolled my eyes. "True."

"What were you like?" Jack asked.

I looked at him, and slightly tilted my head. "What?"

"Before this," Jack said. "Before you were captured. Before you met us. What were you like?"

"Yes! Please tell us!" Ragetti said.

Elton sat down, and all the pirates looked at me, waiting to hear who I was before I was captured.

"Well," I started, "I'm sure you all know I was a Huntress-in-training. I was training at Beacon Academy. I was doing pretty good. Straight A's and everything. I had a lot of friends. There was Team JNPR. They were pretty cool. There was Jaune, Nora, Pyrrha, and Ren. Nora was crazy, but pretty funny. Ren was really cool. Pyrrha was one of the nicest people on their team. Very chill. Jaune was really nice, but... let's just say he needed some work."

RWBY: Pirates of the Caribbean [DISCONTINUED]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant