Zombie Apocalypse AU

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! CW: Mentions of blood !


Hinata took the fabric he ripped from his shirt and onto Kageyama's wound. The zombie scratch was immensely large, and it was clear the zombie dug deep under his skin. It took up almost half of his lower leg. From a jolt of pain, Kageyama took a sharp breath as he leaned against the crumbling car-park pillar.

On the other hand, Hinata scrambled about, quickly finding himself a comfortable position as he fumbled to place pressure onto the wound in complete desperation.

Kneeling down, Hinata stacked his hands on top of each other as he pressed onto the fabric harder-- not forgetting to make sure that he wouldn't hurt the taller male in the process.

The cloth steadily absorbed Kageyama's blood, with small streams escaping and dripping towards the sides of the males' legs, trickling down to the ground almost too effortlessly. Hinata immediately took notice of this and froze in fear, fear that was so overwhelming that he couldn't properly put enough pressure on the wound anymore. His hands began to grow colder and weaker as if he were on top of a sky stabbing mountain without gloves.

From Kageyama's side, Hinata looked like a lost little puppy, confused, upset... he couldn't blame him, though. It can't be helped. He never expected Hinata to be prepared for when something bad happened to him. Despite this Hinata never backed down from a dangerous situation, if it meant being by Kageyama's side.

Kageyama frowned, he didn't want to see Hinata like this, managing to muster up what he could have with his remaining strength, placed his hands on top of Hinata's and pressed onto of his.

For a few seconds, their hands were stacked together. Kageyama realized these may be the final minutes he ever gets to physically touch Hinata in one way or another. That was until Hinata pulled his hands out of the stack and rummaged through his beaten-up backpack in the hopes something was still inside. Amongst the clattering of ammos, snacks and other miscellaneous objects he picked up along their journey, he felt the object he was looking for. He pulled out a black mini case box which immediately caught Kageyama's eye.

"How did you-"

Hinata meekly answered with shakiness evident in his voice, making no eye contact as he opened the case and pulled out a needle and a small vial labelled "Vaccine 5144". It was essentially a vaccine that can be injected into those recently bitten or scratched by the living dead, "stole it from the laboratory."

"Hinata," Kageyama paused as a sudden rise of pain from the wound hit his system, "you... you can't just steal an antidote that took a team of dedicated scientists months to concoct."

"I KNOW... I know...But it was right in front of me. A-and it's the cure to all our problems! If we can find a way to improve this to cure not only the recently infected but the living dead. We can save everyone, we can literally save everyone Kageyama!"

"But that was their only vial what will happen to you if they realize you stole it. Dr Shirabu's never going to trust you again. Not after this."

Hinata scoffed as he extracted the vaccine into the needle, "you mean us."

He looked up at Kageyama, who only looked down with a disheartened expression and dull eyes. For a few seconds, Hinata stood still, until the realization suddenly hit him. His disbelieved eyes tried to meet Kageyama's as Hinata entered a state of hysteria. His breathing became uneven, heart beating faster than it normally should've, moral compass now corrupted.

Hinata shuffled his way closer to Kageyama's shoulder, preparing to inject him with the vaccine. Until Kageyama grabbed him by the hand.

"Kageyamayou'llbefineifyoujusttakethevaccine. Kageyama please take it, TAKE THE-"

Hinata was interrupted as Kageyama's arms swung around his petite, shaking body and as he got pulled close to Kageyama's chest. He felt his partner's steady, calm pulse as the warmth from Kageyama's body escaped into his. Hinata loosened up and dropped the needle as his slightly shaky hands embraced Kageyama's hug.

"Hinata how exactly are you going to save everyone if the only solution to all our problems... is wasted on me?"Kageyama chuckled as he spoke in a soft, raspy hushed like tone.

He could feel droplets of Hinata's tears silently escaping and drizzling on his back like tiny droplets of water during the day as it slowly begins to rain. Then, the tiny boy's body began shaking as Kageyama started caressing Hinata's hair and as he slightly dug his face into Hinata's hair.

Hinata squeezed onto Kageyama's back for dear life, not wanting to leave the others' warms embrace "I don't consider it *sniff* wasting if it means I can save you. I *hic* don't want to *hic* lose you"

"Why can't I just *hic* use the vaccine on you *sniff* and then we can return to Dr Shirabu to get another vaccine."

"You would rather wait a few more months for a vaccine rather than getting this apocalypse over with?"

"The world *hic* ...isn't fair *hic*."


"I loved you."

The Ultimate Kagehina AU BookDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora