Pumpkin Carving

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Welcome to my first chapter. I know Halloween was ages ago but I'm filling in the chapters that  have already been written. Anyway enjoy :) ( sorry couldn't find the original picture😥)

Pairing:Deamus                                                                                                                                                                      Summary= Halloween is coming and Remus and Janus decide to start carving some pumpkins    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  "Remussss!!"                                                                                                                                                                           That was the sound that made the duke run frantically into the dark sides living room to see why Janus would yell for him.                                                                                                                                         "I'm here, I'm here what's wrong baby snek?" Remus asked frantically while trying to remain calm.                                                                                                                                                                                           "Oh nothing I just want to start carving the pumpkinsss" Janus asked excitedly!!

Halloween is Janus's favourite holiday so he always gets excited when the Halloween decorations come in and people start picking pumpkins.                                                                                 "Of course we can," Remus sighed in relief when he knew nothing was wrong.                                       After Remus gathered the pumpkins they had chosen, he went into the kitchen to see that Janus had the pumpkin carving kit and his gloves off ready to carve the pumpkins. Remus smiled a genuine smile as he knows he's the only one that Janus feels comfortable having his gloves off in front of.                                                                                                                                                                                 "Remus are you ready?" Janus questioned wondering why his boyfriend was staring into space. "Oh yea love I'm fine, you ready?"                                                                                                                                 "Obviously" Janus rolled his eyes playfully knowing Remus will play along.                                           "Did you just roll your eyes at me?" Remus gasped in a playful offended manner.                                 "Maybe I did, what are you going to do about?" Janus asked sassily.                                                           "I don't know maybe this,"                                                                                                                                               Janus wasn't expecting Remus to shoot forward, with the pumpkins still in his ands, and plant a kiss on his face. Once Janus's shock had faded away, he started to kiss back only for Remus to quickly move away yo put the pumpkins on the kitchen island. Remus shot him a smug look before beginning to grab a knife and start cutting open the top.

Time skip to after the boring gutting part                                                                                                                    After the gutting was finished, the lovers started to carve out their drawings. Remus looked over at his boyfriend to see him solely focused on his carving. Past Remus's kind of demented and crazy self, he's just like all the sides. He has feelings and can actually act human in a way but only Janus gets to see that side of him. He goes back to carving his pumpkin so that he can surprise Janus with it later. After all that effort, both sides stepped back and looked at their creations. Janus had carved out a really cute ghost.

     Where as Remus had carved Janus's logo

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     Where as Remus had carved Janus's logo.

"Awww 'Mus that looks so cute" Janus squealed in surprise

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"Awww 'Mus that looks so cute" Janus squealed in surprise.                                                                            Janus jumped at Remus and wrapped his arms around him in a tight hug. They pulled back and Remus leaned in for a kiss and Janus responded. It started getting heated when Remus asked for permission, in which Janus gave. Tongues met and started dancing around each other before both sides needed air and pulled away.                                                                                                                      "Happy Halloween 'Mus," Janus whispered.                                                                                                             "Happy Halloween baby snek" Remus replied softly.                                                                                          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

And that's it for the first chapter!!                                                                                                                                   I hope you all enjoyed this first chapter sorry if it's bad but hopefully the chapters will get better as they come.

Stay safe!!!! Byyyee 💚💛

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