Asta:"The drawback is the more I use it, the more is the strain on my body"

Yami:"So we need a healer for to make your body recover"

Asta:"Yes sir"

Yami:"Wait a second let me ask someone meanwhile you two start training together"

Asta/Liebe:"Yes captain/yes sir)

Yami:"Hey Julius do you have recovery magic for the body or not? Because Asta is going to do something you'll really like"

Julius(mode Fanboy on):"Yes I have that type of recovery where are you ? I need to know what's about to happen"

Yami(smirking): "I'm at the forest of the black bulls"

Julius:"Alright I'll be here in some minutes"

Yami when stopped the calling he noticed that Asta and Liebe were working together to form some combination.

Yami:'These two kids are really crazy'

Time(8.12 am) place(Black bulls/forest)

Julius(exited):"I'm here"

Asta/Liebe:"Wizard King?/The Wizard King?"

Julius(Fanboy mode on):" What are you going to do that's need my recovery magic?!! "
Asta:" it's better if I show you, Liebe"

Liebe (trowing the Demon Destroyer):"Take it"

Asta takes the sword and starts infusing Anti-magic in his body to the point to form a black wing.
That form last some seconds before it vanish and Asta almost falls on the floor because of the extreme impact that form has on his body.

Julius (Excited):"So you infuse your body with Anti-magic to create a form that makes you stronger but to the extreme tool take takes on your body you can't hold it much longer, right?"

Asta(Smiling):"You're damn right, I expect nothing less from the wizard king himself"

Julius:"Let me help"

Julius: " Time magic: Chrono recovery"

A blue sphere appears around Asta and after some seconds it vanishes.

Asta(happy):"Wow I feel like I could run for hours, let's try again, but everyone I'll push my form to his limit"

Julius(smiling):"Alright kid" ' I'm happy to have such kids with that burning determination '

That went till 11.50

Julius(Happy):"I can say today was a great day for both of us, I found that you can applicate your Anti-magic in a different way and you now have more resistance to the Anti-magic flow.
Let's do this one time a week so we can learn more about Anti-magic, alright kid?"

Asta:'I can't believe it, he's willing to help us to train'

Asta(smiling):"Alright it's an honour to be helped by you wizard king."

Julius:"The honour is mine to know that in the future in the magic knight we'll have some strong people"

Asta/Liebe: " We won't let you down sir!"

Then Yami asked:" Don't you mind if I adopt both of you?"

Asta: "we need to ask our mother, if you want you can come, but you can't come to close because you'll die"

Yami:" Alright, Finral!"

Finral opens a portal and he teleports them to the training area in Hage.

Yami:"Can you show me the way?"


After some minutes they arrived at the place and both Yami and Finral had to stop because it was told by the kids.

Asta/Liebe:"Mom/Mom! Where back with some guests!"

Licita (coming in vision):"who are them?"

Asta:"These are two of the black bulls the one with black air is Captain Yami while the other one is Finral another of the Black bulls"

Licita:"Hi nice to meet ya, sorry I can't get close to you because of my curse"

Yami:"It's alright we already know, I wanted to ask you if I could personally adopt both of them."

Licita:"if you adopt them they would be still my sons?"

Asta/Liebe:"We'll always be your sons mom!"

Licita (Serious):"Then it's fine but I want you to take care of them! And you two better visit me sometimes!"

Asta/Liebe:"We will mom!/Yes mom!"

The they had a Family hug and after a while of talking they all went home, for Asta and Liebe the base of the black bulls.

*I hope you liked the idea of those two being adopted*

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