Chapter 10

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Time(After the fight with Yami)

No one POV

Yami:" My deal is..."

Asta and Liebe : ' What's with the sudden pressure?'

Yami(serious tone): "I'll tell you tomorrow"

Asta/Liebe: 'He sure loves to create casual pressure/ Are you serious?'

Asta: "Alright, at this place at 3 pm".

Yami(death glare):"Don't give me orders kid"

Asta(calm tone) : "Alright captain".

Yami: "Now I need to go it's getting late, bye"

Asta/Liebe: "Bye/bye"

Time (Yami left)

Asta and Liebe went home and get pached up.

Time (When Liebe gets home)

Licita: "What happend my son? Why are you so beaten up?"

Liebe:"I know you wouldn't believe at this, but me and Asta fought a Magic knight captain and even if he was suppressing his power we managed to land a hit on him"

Licita(Exited): "Seriously? Think on the good part it was a first experience for both of you"

Liebe(Excited): " But the important thing is that he had made a deal and we won and tomorrow he will tell us what is it!"

Licita:"Alright, but now it's better if I patch you up and then we can eat"

Liebe: "Fine"

Time(When Asta gets home)

Asta:"Sister Lily I'm back!"

Sister:"Asta you're bac- "
"Oh my god! What happened and why are you so beaten up?"

Asta(Lying-calm tone) : " I went overboard with the training and I fell multiple times so it's nothing bad."

Sister: "Alright, but next time don't get too far with your training, we don't know what would happen if you don't control yourself"

Asta: "Alright, but right now I need to take a shower, then can we eat?"

Sister:" Alright but don't take too long"


While Asta was walking in the room where he and his brothers and little sister sleeps he meets Yuno.

Asta POV

"Hey Yuno, how's going?"

Yuno(lack of emotions): " It's always the same, I help the church while you're training and I know you're never going to be the Wizard King because I'm going to be"

At this I said "Alright crying princess we'll see if you can become the wizard king"

Yuno: "What did you just call me?"

Asta(with a smile on his face):" I called you crying princess,  did the lack of emotions made you deaf?"

Yuno(going away):"Forget about it"


Yami POV

Right now I'm in front of the room of the wizard king, I was waiting for him to give me the signal to enter.

Finally Julius opened the door so I could tell him what happened.

No one POV

Julius: " Yami I see you're finally back, what did you find?"

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