Chapter 6

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Liebe is 8+ and Asta is 9

Liebe POV

Yesterday happened something that I thought it wouldn't be possible, let me explain:

Time (Yesterday)

Asta POV

Today Sister Lily sent Yuno to send two letter to someone.

After a while that Yuno has not returned, it was already night, so I decided to go against Sister and Father will to go search for him(Big brother instinct).

After a while I found him a little beat up crying and in front of there was a drunk man with his pendal in his hand.

Instantly I rushed to the man and started a fight with him, but I just couldn't beat him 'I refuse to give up!'.

At the moment I was pissed at the man because he wasn't acting like one and I was angry at myself that I couldn't protect my little brother.

Liebe POV

It was really late and, I noticed that the 5 leaf grimoire was moving on his own?

While I was trying to understand why it was moving on his own the grimoire vanished.

'Something is happening to Asta and it's not good!'

Asta POV

Suddenly while I was fighting the man a 5 leaf grimoire vanished in front of me, and what came out of the grimoire was a sword ?

Instantly I grabbed the handle and with a sprint I hit the man with the flat part of the sword and sent him flying, the hit was so hard that he dropped Yuno's pendal.

'I think he was too shocked to even move'

I stopped myself to calm down and I analysed that the sword was rusty and it was a little smaller then me.

After I putted the sword back in the 5 leaf grimoire and took the pendal and gave it back to Yuno, I was beaten up a lot so Yuno helped me to go to the church.

In the distance I noticed Liebe and with a move of my hand I had trow him the grimoire so he could take it to my second home.

I didn't want  others to know about my grimoire, outside I was pretty calm but on the inside I was really excited to know more about my grimoire.

Liebe POV

I went to search for Asta and I knew he wasn't at the church so I moved in the night, after a while I found him beaten up and attached to Yuno.

He noticed me and with a move of hand he threw me the grimoire so I picked it up and went home.

Yuno POV

'What happened? What was that and was that a grimoire?'

After a while I saw that Asta didn't have the grimoire with him and then he said to me:
" Can you please keep this a secret between us?"

I couldn't say no, other than save me he even take back my pendal, so I said "Sure, but right what's matter is that we go home to take care of your injures.
Did you save me because you felt pity for me or something else?"

Asta responded a little annoyed:"I saved your because you're my little brother and it's the role of the big one to take care of the little ones and because one day I'll become the wizard king and change this society in one that can be called one where everyone can live equally."

That little speak inspired me:" Not if I become the wizard king first, so from now one we'll be rivals!"

Asta simple responded with: "alright little brother,  from today you're my rival"

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