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One line meant she wasn't pregnant. Two lines meant she was pregnant.

"Fuck," Kingsley fell to her knees in the bathroom. 

The results of her pregnancy test were two solid pink lines on the screen.

"I shouldn't have stupidly gotten drunk," She tried to hold her tears in. "I shouldn't have even gone to that party in the first place! If I hadn't gone to that party, I would've never slept with Donald! But because of my stupid decisions, I'm pregnant!"

'Since I woke up and realized I had unprotected sex, I should've at least done the smart thing and taken the emergency contraception Plan B pill! It wouldn't be a 100% chance of not getting pregnant, but at least it would've lowered the possibility drastically!'

"Okay," She took a deep breath to try to calm herself down. "What's done is done. I can't change the past, but I can plan for the future. I need to focus on what actions I'll take next,"

'The night this child was conceived was September 9, 2019. Today's date, the day I took this pregnancy test, is October 14. It's been five weeks since that night. I missed my period two weeks after that night,'

'It's illegal to have abortions in South Korea under the 1953 ban. In April, the court deemed the law unconstitutional. Lawmakers have until December 31, 2020 to revise the laws. No draft legislations have been announced yet, so from my understanding, abortions are still illegal. There are still doctors who are willing to risk facing jail time by performing abortions for patients and I'm sure my parents could help me find one,'

'I don't want to have an abortion,' Kingsley decided. 'Even if it was legal...I wouldn't want to have one. I don't want to put this child up for adoption either. I want to keep my child. Finances aren't a problem. My parents would be willing to help me out. I could stay with them. They'd adore a grandchild. I don't want to move mid-semester so I'll wait until winter vacation,'

'The last day before winter vacation is December 13. After finals, I'll pack my bags and move back home. Of course I'll tell Stephen and Gray beforehand and assure them that they could still stay in this house. The second semester begins on January 6, 2020. I'll make sure to transfer to a new school too. If I get bullied or anything, I'll switch to private tutors. From my calculations, my expected due date is somewhere in June. Summer break begins June 22,'

Her expression became troubled. 'Donald is the father. He's the only person I slept with, so he's definitely the father. He deserves to know that he has a child. He deserves a chance to be in the child's life. But...I don't want him in the child's life. We're practically strangers now. We were friends as children, but after I moved, it seems that he had forgotten all about me. He had forgotten all about our friendship,'

'I don't want to mess up his life. He's popular and being an teenage father might impact his reputation and damage his image. He works part time as a model and lives in that house next door all by himself. He has to worry about his own bills. I don't want to add to his bills with necessities for a baby. Besides, this is my fault. I shouldn't have slept with him. I'll take responsibility for my own actions,'

'But what I worry most if word gets out that I'm pregnant with Donald's child is his fangirls. Jealousy can make people very cruel. I can simply ignore their teasing and verbal abuse. I can ignore their hateful glares and everyone avoiding me. But what I'm most worried about is if things get physical. I can fight. I know self-defense. But I'm worried about if I do get injured, the attack could also harm my child,'


"Okay, I need to somehow break the news to Gray and Stephen," Kingsley was laying in bed. "I don't have to tell them immediately, but I'll eventually have to tell them, especially since I'll be moving out. I won't tell them right now so that I can process this first. Since I'm pregnant, I need to change my diet and avoid foods that are bad for pregnancies," She searched up on her phone about what foods are bad for pregnant women.

High Mercury Fish 
Mercury is a highly toxic element. In large amounts, it can affect your nervous system, immune system, and kidneys. 

Shark, swordfish, king mackerel, tuna, marlin, tilefish, and orange roughy are some of the many fish with high mercury levels and should be avoided.
Low mercury fish during pregnancy is healthy and can be eaten up to three times per week. Low mercury fish include anchovies, cod, flounder, haddock, salmon, tilapia, and freshwater trout.

'Well, that sucks. I love sushi,' Kingsley thought. 'I really enjoy tuna rolls, but I guess I can just stick with the lower mercury fish,'

Raw Eggs

Raw eggs can be contaminated with salmonella. 
Foods that commonly contain raw eggs include lightly scrambled eggs, poached eggs, hollandaise sauce, homemade mayonnaise, some homemade salad dressings, homemade ice cream, and homemade cake icings.
Most commercial products that contain raw eggs are made with pasteurized eggs and are safe to consume. To be safe, always cook eggs thoroughly or use pasteurized eggs.

'Well, I wasn't a fan of runny yolks or raw eggs in the first place,' Kingsley shrugged. 

Alcohol increases the risk of miscarriage and stillbirth. It can negatively impact your baby's brain development. Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can also cause fetal alcohol syndrome.

'I would have stayed away from alcohol even if it wasn't on the list,' Kingsley's eye twitched. 'It's what got me in this situation in the first place,'


"Fuck!" Kingsley cursed. "Damn it, I need coffee to function!"

Pregnant women are generally advised to limit their caffeine intake to less than 200 milligrams per day. Caffeine is absorbed very quickly and passes easily into the placenta. Because babies and their placentas don't have the main enzyme needed to metabolize caffeine, high levels can build up.
High caffein intake during pregnancy restricts fetal growth and increases the risk of low birth weight at delivery. Low birth weight, which is less than 5 pounds, is associated with an increased risk of infant death and a higher risk of chronic diseases in adulthood.

'I can still have coffee...' Kingsley sighed. 'Just not as much as I usually drink. It's only for nine months. I can handle it,'


I decided to have the school year start on September 9, 2019 because that's when the first English chapter came out. The coronavirus does not exist in this story.

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