The Morning After

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Kingsley awoke in a bed...but the bed was not hers.'What the fuck happened!?' She sat up and realized that she wasn't alone in bed, but both she and the other occupant were naked. Her eyes widened in horror when she saw the familiar platinum blonde-silvery hair and pale vampiric skin. 'Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!'

She quickly but carefully got out of bed as to not awaken Donald and searched around to find her clothes. Fortunately, she located all of her clothes fast and dressed herself. She silently opened the bedroom door and peeked out into the hallway. 'Good, everyone here is asleep from all that partying last night,' 

Kingsley managed to leave the house without waking anyone up. She entered her own home and ran up to her room. Once she locked her door, she began to panic. 'I slept with Donald Na! I slept with him! I fucking slept with him!'

Her head was also aching badly and she could smell the alcohol on her breath. 'I have a hangover, but I didn't drink any alcohol. I don't drink not only because I'm underage, but also because people tend to do stupid things when drunk. I do remember drinking some fruit  punch—oh shit. That was a teenage party. Some idiot spiked the punch with booze,'

She buried her face in her hands. 'I can't believe I not only got drunk, but I slept with Donald! It's a good thing everyone was passed out drunk. If his fangirls find out, it'd be a pain. They'd just want to make my entire life miserable. I'd rather transfer to a different school than to deal with them. I'll probably move too since they'll probably find out that I live right next door to him and I don't want to cause any trouble for Stephen and Gray,'

She looked at her alarm clock. It was 5:00 AM. 'Okay, first I'm going to take some painkillers for my hangover and then take a shower. After that, I'm gonna go about my normal morning routine. If Donald doesn't remember what happened last night, then I can just forget last night ever happened. I'll continue on with my life. I won't have to deal with Donald's crazy fangirls,'


Donald woke up, naked in bed. 'My head's pounding...' He looked around. 'I don't sleep nude. If I'm naked, then that means...I slept with someone. But they don't seem to be here anymore. Did they leave?' He winced and decided to take a shower to clean himself up. 'Who did I sleep with last night? I can't remember their face. It's all a blur. I've had way too much to drink last night,'

He tried to recall the identity of the girl he slept with last night. He could remember the soft touch of her lips as they kissed. He could remember the feel of every curve of her body. He could remember the heat of their bodies pressed against each other. 

But he couldn't remember her face.

'I had sex while drunk,' He let out a frustrated groan. 'There's already someone I like, but I stupidly got drunk and banged whoever that chick was. Whoever she was, she left and I don't know who she is. If I go out and ask the people in the living room, knowing my fangirls, they'll all fight over and lie about being the person I slept with,'

After drying off and changing into fresh clothes, he looked at the time. It was 6:15 AM. 'In hindsight, it was a bad idea to have the party on a Monday night. Better go wake up everyone and get them to clean up. School starts at eight so if everyone pulls their weight, I should be able to get to class on time,'


"Good morning Kingsley," Stephen greeted when he and Gray came down for breakfast.

"Good morning," Kingsley replied.

"Where were you last night?" Gray asked. "You weren't here when we got home,"

"I went out," Kingsley claimed. "I had a personal appointment that I had forgotten about and wasn't home until this morning," 'Personal appointment as in accidentally getting drunk at the party next door and screwing the most popular guy in high school,'

"Did you give Donald his phone back?" Stephen inquired.

"Yeah," Kingsley nodded. 'I gave it to Jake who should've given it back to Donald some time during the party. At least I remember that,' 

"I feel like a lot of people are gonna skip school from partying all night long," Stephen said. "You'd think they'd wait to host a party on a Friday or Saturday to avoid having to wake up early the next morning,"

'Can we please not talk about the party?' Kingsley wanted to say but didn't want to revela that she actually attended the party. 'I want to forget about the entire party. Donald knows that I live next door so if he wanted to confront me about us sleeping together, he'd have come here by now. Either that or he's still asleep,'


At school, there was a considerable less amount of attendance in class that morning. Most of them were probably too lazy to want to deal with high school while suffering from a hangover. Donald Na still came to school, having recovered quickly from his hangover. Jake seemed to be the only one out of his friend group that didn't suffer the aftereffect of too much alcohol.

'He's not confronting me,' Kingsley thought as she paid attention to the teacher. 'If he remembered that I was the one who slept with him, wouldn't he approach me and ask why I left? Or at least ask why I didn't help clean up like he forced everyone else who was still at the party to do? Maybe, as a one night stand, he doesn't think that much of me and doesn't think I'm worth his time,'

'Well, at least I can just continue on with life, forgetting that night every happened,' should read the story summary.

I'm sure it's pretty obvious who Donald likes.

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