The Party

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'I'm cursed,' Kingsley thought as she continued her school day.

If Donald's name hadn't been on the attendance sheet, Kingsley would've thought that he was stalking her. Kingsley and Donald both had the exact same schedule. They shared all of their classes. Fortunately for Kingsley, Donald didn't sit next to her like he did in first period.

During study hall, Donald announced a party at his house to celebrate the new school year. 

'It's a good thing Gray, Stephen, and I have noise cancelling headphones,' Kingsley sighed. 'It's the first day of the new school year and he's already throwing a party. He didn't even throw a part last year. The party's going to be noisy since it is a bunch of high schoolers. I'll give a heads up to Gray and Stephen,'

Kingsley did his best to focus on his homework during study hall. Everyone else in the class was crowding around Donald and his friends, happily chatting with them. The homeroom teacher didn't care as long as they weren't too loud or disruptive.

"Hey Donald, do you have a girlfriend?"

"No," Donald answered. 

"Donald's as single as a Pringle," Wolf laughed.

"Oh, then are you interested in someone?"

Donald smiled his signature charismatic grin at the crowd, making the hearts of everyone around him flutter. "Maybe,"

Immediately, the fangirls grew jealous. "Who is it?" They tried to sound curious and tried to hide their jealousy.

Donald just chuckled. "That's a secret,"

'With how many fangirls flock around you, I highly doubt whoever you like will want to date you,' Kingsley thought before returning to focus on her homework.


Once study hall was over, Kingsley waited for Donald, his posse, and his fangirls to leave so she wouldn't have to worry about getting trampled by the crowd. She then left to meet up with Stephen and Gray. "The neighbor's going to be throwing a party,"

"What's the occasion?" Stephen inquired.

"According to him, it's to celebrate the new school year," Kingsley answered. "He didn't throw a party last year though. Either way, I'm sure it'll be pretty noisy,"

"If it gets too noisy, we can always call the cops on them," Gray claimed. "I'm sure there will be underage drinking too,"

"Don't," Kingsley advised. "As long as nothing gets out of hand, we shouldn't call the cops. They'll eventually find out it was us who called the police and then we'd face backlash. Donald Na is Yeongdeungpo High School's Prince, so if we ruin his party like that, his fans will want to get revenge,"

"Surely they'd understand at least the underage drinking part is wrong though, right?" Stephen asked.

"You're too optimistic," Kingsley shook her head. "Come on, let's go to a study room and try to get our homework done before it gets too noisy," 

As they passed by the parking lot, Stephen picked up a fallen phone. "Someone dropped their phone,"

"That looks like Donald's," Kingsley said. "You'd think someone as careful as him wouldn't carelessly lose his phone like this," 'I'm surprised his flock of fangirls didn't notice either,' She looked at the lock screen wallpaper which was a photo of Donald and his friends. "Yeah, this is probably his phone,"

"We should go and return it," Stephen suggested.

"No, let's just head to the study room first," Kingsley told him. "Besides, I wonder how long until he notices that his phone is missing,"


"I think I'm going to head back now," Kingsley said after a few hours. "I think it's time to return the phone, although he still hasn't noticed it was missing yet. Maybe I shouldn't return it at all and wait to see the school's prince panic,"

"I'm surprised that none of his friends tried calling his phone," Gray added. "Is he rich enough to simply replace his phone after losing it?"

"He does wear designer clothes," Kingsley shrugged as she stood up to leave.

"We'll head back home in a few more hours," Stephen told her. "We're going to study some more,"

Kingsley nodded and left.


Kingsley cringed as she neared Donald Na's house. The music was loud and shook her entire body. She rang the doorbell but as expected, nobody could hear it over the music. She tried knocking and after a couple seconds, the door opened.

"Hi Kingsley," Jake Ji greeted. "Here to join the party?"

"I found Donald's phone in the parking lot," Kingsley held the mobile device out to the orange haired teen. "Aren't you going to take it?"

"It's not my phone," Jake smiled. "Why don't you go and give it back to the rightful owner?"

"Or I could just drop onto the ground right here," Kingsley said. "How could he not notice that he had dropped his phone?"

"I actually asked him if I could borrow his phone and must've accidentally dropped it in the parking lot," Jake claimed. "I didn't want him to scold me so I pretended that I was still borrowing it and waited for someone to bring it,"

"If you want to keep up the act of not having lost it, why are you trying to get me to give it to him?" Kingsley asked. "Shouldn't you take it and then return it to him yourself?"

"I'm just trying to get you to join the party," Jake chuckled and took the phone from him. "You came all the way here so you should at least enjoy yourself. Eat some of the yummy foods we ordered,"

"I have no interest in partying," Kingsley told him.

"Just eat some of the food," Jake suggested. "It's the least I can do to repay you for returning Donald's phone. You haven't eaten dinner yet, right?"

"I was gonna cook something—" Jake dragged Kingsley inside without any warning.

"We got burgers, hotdogs, fruits, salads, chicken, and a whole bunch of other foods!" Jake told her. "Just stay for a few minutes, please? I'd feel guilty of not repaying you,"

"A thank you is enough," Kingsley mumbled. Her stomach let out a soft growl and she sighed, deciding to help herself to some food. After all, even if she did go home, she'd still have to deal with the loudness of the party. 

How does Kingsley end up drunk? Well, let's just say someone *cough* Wolf *cough* spiked the punch and Kingsley, after getting thirsty, drank some punch without realizing there was alcohol in it.

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