"Remember the day you started to teach me waterbending?"

"Oh yeah, that waterfall was beautiful."

"Yeah! I guess we lucked out with "finding a nice puddle to splash in."

Katara nodded as Aang suggested, "What do you say to another lesson?"

Smiling, Katara agreed. It had been a while since they had practiced together. Katara undressed until she got to her bindings, while Aang took off his shirt. They both entered the flowing water and started to get used to its temperature. Katara took her time by slowly lowering herself into its depths while Aang disappeared behind the brush. Katara already knew what was going to happen. Aang was one to jump right in, saying that it was easier to adjust if he got in all at once. She too liked jumping in right away, but this time she wanted to ease into it.

"WOOHOO!" Aang screamed, jumping from atop the waterfall into the plunge pool, where Katara was starting to swim about.

Splashing Katara, she waited for Aang to reach the surface so she could get her splash revenge. Aang soon reached the surface and was instantly met with the wrath of a swish of water. Aang quickly wiped the water from his eyes and smirked.

"Oh, it's on."

Playfully splashing each other with water, it had come to a point where Aang had started to chase Katara around the pool. Catching up to her, he wrapped his arms around her body, restraining her from swimming away.

"I caught you," he whispered in her ear.

Knowing Aang's ability to be flustered, Katara turned her neck to peck him on the lips. She was right. Her advancements made Aang's grip on her loosen. She broke away in victory. However, Aang knew her plans well. So, in her getaway, he waterbended her right back into his grasp.

"Good try, my sweet," he said, kissing her back.

After actual practicing, they grew hungry. They exited the plunge pool and headed back to camp. The sun was going to set soon, so Aang and Katara had to find their food before it was too dark for them to see. Luckily for Aang, all he needed was to find more berries. For Katara, she was going to hunt a fish for her dinner. So, Katara put her clothes back on and headed back to the waterfall to fish.

Aang ventured back to the trail, where he had seen a surplus of berries earlier. Collecting them, he knew Katara would need to make a fire to cook her dinner. So, after he finished collecting his dinner, Aang started gathering kindling wood.

Aang returned to camp, arms filled with wood. He cleared away anything that would hurt the forest and started setting up the wood. Once he was done, using his firebending, he lit the small twigs aflame. Letting the fire juice up, Aang started adding more wood to make the fire larger for Katara.

Still, Katara wasn't back. He knew it could take a while because they had probably scared away the fish while they were swimming and waterbending. So, Aang started setting up their campsite along with attending to the fire.

Katara came back with a fish that was already skewered. She quickly thanked Aang for setting everything up while she started cooking it over the fire.

They ate their dinner in comfortable silence, listening to the crickets chirp and watching the sun vanish over the horizon line. Aang offered Katara a few of her berries, but Katara had a better idea. The berries that Aang had picked were leaning towards the over-ripe side, so they had created a small stain over his lips. Scootching closer to him and the fruit, she leaned in, kissing him yet again. Her assumptions about the over-ripeness were right. They were sweet and tender.

"Mmm," she hummed. "They taste good."

Aang smiled at her forwardness and tossed a berry in the air, catching it in his mouth.

The night continued to be peaceful and serene, and Aang had caught an idea.

When they had finished dinner, Aang told her to follow him. On his way to finding more berries, he had come across a small field. But, this field, like many in this area, had a large population of fireflies.

Leading her to the field, he told her to keep her eyes close for the small surprise. Now, they were in the middle of the field, and Aang let go of her hand.

"Open," he said, ready for her reaction.

Aang blew a gentle gust of air, making the fireflies rise from the tall grass and into the air. Katara watched in a dazed and delighted at the hundreds of flying flickering bugs.

"They're beautiful," she said softly.

"They are, just like you."

Katara blushed lightly at his compliment as Aang continued speaking.

"When it was summer when I was younger, the monks used to take us to see the fireflies. I always loved seeing them dancing in the sky, making the trees have little lights. I love how they make the dark sky light. They remind me of you, Katara. You make the uncertain road clear and light."

Katara hugged Aang, resting her head against his chiseled chest.

"I love you," she breathed.

"I love you too."

After watching the bugs retreat into the brush, they left back to their camp to head to bed. They had a long and exciting day, and it was time for them to fall asleep.

They changed into more comfortable clothes and got inside their extra-large sleeping bag. They were both tired and needed their sleep to hike back out. The night got darker, and they let the symphony of nature guide them asleep. Falling asleep cuddling each other, both in pure bliss and in love.

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