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After Aang saved the world, his history with Katara and their love story inspired countless stories to be made in their honor. Katara was the Avatar's love. A love story so strong and powerful that it became a timeless story told throughout the world.

During the time that Aang and Katara were alive, everyone knew how they came to be. Just by looking at them, you could see that they were undoubtedly in love with each other. Between the admiring gazes they shared and their sometimes silent acts of love, everyone knew that they were meant to be. Books described their love to be more powerful than anything else in the world.

Now, their love echos throughout history as bedtime stories and as an example of what true love could be.

Still, the books written for their love didn't cover everything. So, for their children's nighttime stories, they used the ones that came to mind. Besides, Katara and Aang would rather use their own stories to tell their children rather than use literature to explain their past adventures.

Even though they could tell any individual story they thought of, Katara and Aang decided to make their own book. A book that isn't interpretation; it would be a book that explains their love in their very own words.

So, in their free time together, they sat with their pens, jotting down their most important memories with each other. With this book, they filled it with their memorable moments. Most published books about their love were only how they fell in love and got together. They weren't about the love they shared after their kiss at Ba Sing Se. So, their book was unique and mostly contained moments only their family knew about.

When Aang's time in this world passed, Katara decided to honor their everlasting love and published their book. She knew Tenzin was ready to have kids of his own and gave the original copy to him. 

Many years later:

Emma was strolling through the library, looking for a new book. She had always enjoyed a romantic novel, so she found herself scanning at the titles of books on the packed bookshelf. Something had caught her attention, a blue and yellow striped paperback book under the name of Clouds. Sliding the book out of its wedged place, she read the summary in the back.

"Our love story; how we came to be, and all that happened after."

Emma wanted to know more. Flipping the book back to the front, she looked at the authors. They were none other than Aang and Katara. Their names sounded oh so familiar. Like something she had heard when she was a small child that was buried deep within her memory.

Opening the first page at the dedications, it read, "To our children: Bumi, Kya, and Tenzin." 

Continuing to the next pages, it started. "There are many stories of our love. There are ones that start at our beginning and some that start a little after. However, most of them end after we were finally united.  But this, this is the story of how we fell in love and everything after." 

Emma decided to check this book out. She knew it was going to be interesting. Heading to the checkout station, she set the book on the counter. The Librarian examined the book while ringing it up. 

"Oh, I loved this book when I was younger. Good choice, a classic," the librarian said. 

"Yeah, it looks interesting," Emma responded.

"Trust me, it is. Your card, please."

Emma handed her library card over and left soon after, book in hand. While walking home, she kept thinking about where she had heard their names. To no avail, she decided to drop it, knowing she would find out if she continued reading. 

Emma plopped down on her couch and reopened the book. It was a long book. It would have taken years to fill this much space with only memories. 

The book started with how they met as Aang woke up from his deep sleep in the iceberg and how Katara and her brother brought him to their village. Soon they had found out that he was the Avatar. 

Emma's realization fell into place. Avatar Aang. The name she knew. Not only did she know the name in history books, but as a bedtime story, her mom would consistently tell her about the love story that Avatar Aang and Katara shared. But she had never heard what came after the kiss at Ba Sing Se. 

The night grew dark, and Emma had reached their kiss at Ba Sing Se. 

"Sadly, Sokka interrupted our kiss, but that didn't stop our next adventure, this time, now as a couple. And this is where most stories end, and where ours continues." 

After more time, she had entered the pages where they got married.

"It was a momentous day for us, after many years as girlfriend and boyfriend, we had finally tied the knot and got married. It was only a matter of time for us, after saving the world countless times and enjoying life, we decided that marrying each other would make us happier. Also, having the officiality and a ceremony for our family was a big part of each other's cultures."

Eventually, Emma had to put the book down despite her need to see the story end. Emma had to rest for the night, but she was eager to continue and finish the book the next day. 

The book was about to end, and Emma was left heartbroken. 

"After our seemingly infinite moments together, I am now writing and finishing this book, alone. Aang, my love, passed away along with Appa. It's been a while since I've written, but I've decided to end this book right. At least right enough, now that Aang is gone."

"I met Aang when I was 14, and within that same year, we fell in love with each other. Ever since then, I've spent every moment loving him. When I became pregnant, we wanted to tell the stories we shared. Instead of buying one of the many on the shelf, we decided to create our own. A book that our family could share and could explain in our own words what we mean to each other. Even though our kids grew up and moved out, we still wrote in this book out of habit. With all the 52 years I've spent with him, all I can say is that he was my everything. I loved him to the tethers of the Earth, to the galaxies and back. And rereading our book, I know he did too. Although, I knew he loved me colossally before reading our story."

"To conclude, I've decided to publish the story under our name and our love. Maybe people will read it, maybe not. But to the reader who decided to pick up this book, I hope you find your own Aang one day. Someone who loves you without limits and stands by you, no matter any obstacle."

"The End."

The book was finished, and Emma didn't know what to do but let the tears roll down her cheeks. Holding the book, she had finally heard the full, true story of Avatar Aang and his love, Katara. 

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