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Aang and Katara loved exploring through the wilds, hiking with each other. It was Aang's job to protect the world, and nature is apart of the world he's bound to protect. Nature walks they did together weren't entirely done out of responsibility to the world. They hiked to spend some alone time together, enjoying each other's company.

Aang and Katara always loved the smell of fresh air and the feeling of the leaves sweeping their legs. As much as Aang loved flying on his glider or Appa, Aang enjoyed an occasional walk. He had become more appreciative of the natural beauty of the world as he matured.

Aang and Katara's hikes usually lasted half a day, not including the time that they took conversing with other hikers or trekkers. But, on this fateful trip, they'd be camping out for the night. Just like the old days, only this time, they weren't actively trying to save the world.

Aang was especially keen on trying to befriend the wild animals that were scampering across the trail or the ones that passed by him. As one of his first sentences to his girlfriend, "I have a way with animals," Aang idly stood by this, taking every free chance to identify and try to befriend an animal. Mostly, Aang didn't bother them, knowing even the animals had their own lives and ways of living.

More often than not, while hiking, Aang and Katara would hold hands while they wandered. It was never for any particular reason, but they enjoyed swinging their hands back and forth, taking in the natural beauty of the world.

Upon seeing a bush covered in berries, Aang let go of Katara's hand and rushed over to see if they were edible. Seeing Aang run over to a bush like a small child finding candy, Katara laughed.

Aang inspected the berries closely before plucking a few off the branches, asking Katara, "Hey, sweetie? Can you get a small satchel from my bag, so I can store the berries until we're hungry?"

Nodding, Katara walked over and started digging through his packed bag for his satchel. Pulling it out, she handed it over to him.

"Thank you. You're the best."

No matter how long they've been together, Aang always found a way to compliment Katara. And these compliments, they were never insincere. They were consistently sincere and truthful. And to Aang, he knew Katara deserved every single one of them.

It was getting later, and they had been hiking since dawn. Still, the sun was out, and the day was still young. Walking by a small clearing, Aang, once again holding Katara's hand, pulled her over.

"How does this place look to set up camp for tonight?"

Katara looked around. The clearing was hidden under a large canopy of trees and was far away from the trail. Katara could hear a creek that was flowing nearby, so she agreed.

"Looks good to me."

Aang set his pack down and started hopping on his tip-toes, getting readjusted to not having a larger pack on his shoulders. Katara followed his lead and set her bag down as well.

"Is it just me, or do you hear water flowing nearby?" Aang asked.

"I was thinking the same thing. Wanna check it out with me?"

Aang nodded, and they both headed toward the sound.

From the sound, they had thought they were going to be approaching a small creek. But instead, they had stumbled across a flourishing waterfall with a clear plunge pool below.

Breathlessly, they said, "Woah."

It was beautiful, maybe even some of the most beautiful scenery Aang had ever seen. Aang turned to Katara with an idea popping up in his head.

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