Chapter 9:

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Warning: Pretty angsty. Strong self-deprecation, and... attempted suicide kind of. A little blood also. ________________________________________________________________________________

It started raining. The sound of rain falling is soothing. I drifted further away. I'll go far, far so they never find me. I won't get in the way of the Symbols of Hope.


I entered the cottage not long after it started raining. It's not that I dislike it, it's just that my hair becomes heavy when soaked. I went in the boys room and changed clothes, then returned in the living room. I won't be of any help with the challenge like this, but it's not like I really cared in the first place. I sat on one of the couch, next to a window, and looked outside. At the beginning, it wasn't really raining a lot, but winds soon accompanied it, becoming stronger and stronger. I guess a storm is coming. It's not that rare close to the ocean, we were lucky to have such a good weather during our trip. 

Not long after that, someone else entered the cottage looking for shelter. 

-Oh, Izuru, you're already here.

Mahiru, if I recall. 

-Looks like, i'm soaked. It's becoming stronger and stronger outside. I'm sure everyone will be here soon.

I didn't answer. She then went to the rooms, presumably to change clothes. After that, more and more people arrived, all drenched from the rain, some out of breathe from running, others carried onto others shoulders. In the corner of the room, Chiaki... was sitting. I stared at her, she looked quite tired, even if she always seems sleepy. Her eyes were kind of dazed, and the vivacity I knew in her eyes was disappearing little by little to be replaced by something else. I guess... I really have to forget.

As no one had entered for a while, I looked around the room. But someone was missing. Just as I was about to raise my voice, someone else exclaimed:

-Hey, where's Komaeda?

The chatting slightly seized in the room.

-He's not back yet?

-W-Well, he could walk, b-but with his i-injury, he was s-still limping. So, maybe he's just n-not fast enough... I'm sorryyy it's my fault, I should have healed it better!

The big guy, Nekomaru, then ran outside yelling:

-I'll see if he's nearby and carry him!

We all waited inside, but he wasn't coming back. Somewhat, I had the feeling he would not find him, and I started to worry. After a while, Nekomaru re-entered the room, even more drenched then before:

-I didn't find him!

-That's kind of worrying, where could he have gone...

Fuyuhiko then suddenly stood up:

-Tch- What is this idiot doing?

He then reopened the door and ran outside, holding his coat over his head.

-Young Master!

I quickly followed him, not too early to hear Chiaki speaking up:

-Alright, we should all come out with a plan to...

As the voices became inaudible, I made my way in the storm.


I was advancing into the trees. It was becoming harder and harder to make my way through the vegetation. I felt thorns piercing the skin of my legs, but I wasn't feeling the pain anymore. At my right, a bunch of peculiar flowers. I wasn't seeing very much, because of the rain, and also my condition, but I think they were blue. 

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