Bakugou's Ex (PT.2)

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When class 1a got to dorms, they heard glass shattering. They all push throw the door quickly in fear of Bakugou being hurt. When they were all got throw the door, they ran to the kitchen where the noise was coming from.

What they saw shocked them more than if they woke up the next day with two left feet and an elephant tail.

When they got to the kitchen, they saw the strongest and thought to be the most put-together student out of all of them mentally having a breakdown.

Many kitchen supplies were broken, and glass was covering the floor. Bakugou was covered with cuts from the glass and had blood dripping down his arm and legs. Bakugou was sobbing loudly. He had tear stains and still had tears sliding down his cheeks.

For what had to have been the 10th time that day, his classmates stood shocked. They have never seen Bakugou like this. He was never frowning; in fact, they have never seen him, so any emotion except for angry.

So this was all new concept to them, but seeing Bakugou like this, they realized one thing. Bakugou was broken, and something terrible had happened to him before they meet or got to UA. They now understood that Bakugou used angry to hide his pain.

They all realized none of them really ever made sure that he was ok and that none of them knew Bakugou. They also recognized that Bakugou was saying something. So they all quieted the millions of thoughts going through their heads and focused on what Bakugou was saying.

"I HATE HIM, I HATE HIM. I HATE HIM. WHY IS BACK? WHY HIS BACK?" Bakugou said, getting louder with each word.

"Bakugou, what do you mean what did he do to you?" Kirishima said

"I HATE HIM. HOW DID HE FREAKING FIND ME." Bakugou just kept yelling, ignoring Kirishima.

Kirishima realized that he wouldn't get any answers, so instead, he decided that he would just try to calm bakugou down. Kirishima went behind bakugou and hugged him trapping Bakugou's arms so he could no longer hurt himself.

"Let m-mE G-gO," Bakugou said threw sobs.

"No, can do Bakubro; you are hurting yourself. Just tell me what he did," Kirishima said

"No, no, no, no," Bakugou kept repeating while sinking down to the floor.

"Bakugou, I need you to tell me what he did," Kirishima asked.

 He was trying to get Bakugou to confide in him, but he also knew he couldn't do it alone, so he motioned for the bakusquad to come over and help him.

"Bakubabe, why are you upset," Mina asked.

Bakugou still just kept repeating no.

"and why did he tell us you missed him. do you miss like do you want us to go get him for you?" Denki asked, being the idiot he is.

"NO, don't make me go back to him, please, please, please. " Bakugou said

"Great job Denki," Kirishima said

"Well, at least he is repeating a different word," Denki said Mina slapped on the back of the neck. "Bakugou, why don't you want to go back to him," Kirishima asked "No, he said not to tell anyone," Bakugou saidDeku started to get worried; not only has he never seen bakugou with that mao kid before, and even though he has been around bakugou his whole life, he has never seen bakugou break down like this. "kacchan, what can't you tell us." Deku "Well, obviously, he isn't going to anws-" Sero started to say before he was interrupted by Bakugou. Bakugou started to crawl over to Deku. He then sat on Deku's lap because Deku had squatted along with everyone else a couple of minutes ago. Deku stiffened up, not used to Bakugou showing affection. "I am sorry, I really am," Bakugou said "What are you sorry," Deku asked, confused because early that year, when they started dating, Bakugou apologized for bullying him already. So it couldn't be that. "I am sorry I let him control *hiccup me," Bakugou said, slowly coming down."How did he control you," Kirishima asked By now, everyone realized that Bakugou and his Boyfriends needed this time to themselves. Everyone left to their dorms already having enough information to know they mao broke bakugou and knew to hate him. At first, Bakugou ignored the question and dug his head into Deku's neck. Kirishima seeing that Bakugou was upset by the question, scooted closer to comfort him. "Bakugou, I know he hurt you, but I need to know what he did," Kirishima asked, now even more concerned if possible.

"he lied," Bakugou simply stated

"How did he lie," Deku asked, confused as to why someone just lying would hurt Bakugou so badly.

Bakugou just simply shook his head, not wanting to answer the question. Deku grabbed bakugou gently by his chin and made Bakugou look him in the eyes so he would now tell the truth.

" Katsuki Bakugou, I love you, and nothing will make me stop. I am not angry at you, nor do I think you are weak. Just please tell us so we can help you," Deku said

Bakugou broke upon hearing his full name from Deku, saying that let Bakugou knows he was serious. So Bakugou finally let someone know what had happened to him.

Bakugou told them how Mao tortured him and controlled him. He told him how he never wanted to bully Deku and how his parents never thoroughly cared for him, so they didn't help him in the situation either.

"Kacchan, I am so sorry I didn't notice in middle school," Deku said

"Bakugou, we will never do that to you, and you are safe now that monster won't control you again, I promise."

"You promise," Bakugou said tiredly. He had started to cry again while explaining and was beginning to fall asleep. Seeing this, Kirishima just kissed bakugou and told him he loved him; Deku doing the same.

Bakugou fell asleep cuddling Deku on the kitchen floor covered in glass, but when he woke up, even though he was in pain from he felt happy knowing that his lovers were going to protect him and that he was loved.


(a/n): Sorry, I suck at endings; also, I have no idea if this made any sense.

I have some drafts in the work so I will update soon again. I just wanted to say request are open but I will not write:

1. smut

2. teacher x student

3. y/n

Also, I just wanted to thank you again for reading my story I really thought that only around 4 people would read this so thank you for reading this.

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