Concept art/basic info : Cuba

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- 2 years older than America
- Spy
- Smart (has a INCREDIBLE memory)
- Manipulative
- Weapons: Machete and mk-19
- Enjoys reading the newspaper
- A VERY good doctor, Argentina taught him
- Left handed
- LOVES sugar

(Baby Pic/art (Rico kept a copy😍)

Cuba is a smart,hard working ,cunning ,manipulative and charming spy who mainly works for Russia and other countries who hire him

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Cuba is a smart,hard working ,cunning ,manipulative and charming spy who mainly works for Russia and other countries who hire him. Since he's the son of the country of passion (Spain) he uses his charm to his advantage. It works with his plans of manipulation ,making himself appear very eccentric and charismatic. A real conversationalist and with his memory he is able to pretend to have interest in what the person is saying by mentioning things he heard from years ago or moments ago, making him the perfect host and guest. Works as a agent in modern times, ever since US has tried to make amends with him Cuba plays along for his survival and stability pretends to get along with the US , the truth is though anything that the US or any of his allies says he makes sure to pick up and report to Russia or ex soviet allies..for a price of coarse. He's MASTERED spying on the US to the point that it's almost invisible , so he's well known and sought if someone ever needs dirt or information about the US or allies . This is only one side of him though, a side that's been made reality with years of misunderstandings and being pushed against a corner. He's also quite sweet and loyal. (Personal lore) After "The exile" , the only being who cared to talk and actually get to know Cuba was sweet little Ellice (Tuvalu). And from there they met in Switzerland's lands in secret , to prevent a potential fight between the US and the Soviet Union (Cold War times). They where friends ever since, until later in more modern times when they became romantically involved 😍.

- hard worker, still works in his people's fields , has a garden of his own where he grows his own food, any food that he doesn't need he sells/ soemtimes donates to smaller islands, his friends..etc. Doesn't really eat beef all that much, prefers chicken or pork, but if it's not provided then he doesn't mind just eating veggies.

- had a pet turtle given by Soviet Union in 1963(when Fidel visited and got a bear) to him he has named Margosha. It died around 2003 . 2004 Russia gave him 2 new ones which he named Adrik (dark) and Alyona (light). He has a pen in the Russia's livingroom which he keeps covored when guest are there and only uncovors it when no one but the two are present so the two tortoises can play around in there, has one inside his room there and had one inside his house and outside in his garden area in the shade. Takes them to his lands mostly and only brings them when he knows he won't be in his lands long or when he's visiting. Are his babies and the few true happiness in his life besides his father (Russia) and Elly (Tuvalu) and of coarse his close family (Rico and Vennie)

- He has been fighting ever since he left Spain, and to him he is still fighting, not only for survival, but to taste TRUE freedom for even a second. He strives to achieve stability and if that cannot be than he is willing to die rather than go back to any previous hell he escaped from . Always a being who is looking forward and would rather die than go or even look back .

- when he had his revolution with Fidel Castro America painted him as a growing communist power , which he WASNT , but he kept bei lablmed a communist just because he talked to Russia now and then and what Castro was doing that eventually . America threatened other countries/allies so they wouldn't talk to Cuba and Cuba had little to no one to turn to, once everyone started to shut him out he accepted the label , calling himself to be socialist /communist. The time and event was known among beings as "The exile" or Cuba going "rouge"

- saw Soviet Union as a good friend and later as a father figure, when Cuba was shunned he turned to the Soviet Union and he was accepted , they have quite a history together and Soviet Union grew a respect for him and vise versa , at first sure it was a manipulative relationship but soon it became a friendship and father/son relationship. Soviet never asked him for anything in return for all the help but nevertheless Cuba willingly felt in debt to them and helped them in any way they could. (Father/son relationship wasn't really spoken about and nothing was really said, unspoken fondness)

- blinked away tears (in a angry state) when he heard Soviet union collapsed, continued the day with a casual smile on his face , when he got home he sobbed brokenly throughout the night and didn't leave his home for days (more on that later

- gets along GREAT with Russia, both have a unspoken fondness for one another(continuation after Soviet died). In modern times when they are alone together they both show a softer side and when it's just them in a personal setting it's clear that they have a father/son relationship (with them calling eachother as father or son)

- of all his siblings he was close to Rico , since Rico was practically the one to raise him. Was so close and so loyal to him...but when the time came of "The Exile" and Rico didn't (couldnt) do anything despite promising to him that he would always be there to defend him....he felt the spark in him die and embraced the darker path. It's something Rico has regretted and blames himself to an extent, even if he out of anyone wouldn't have been able to do anything since America had him in such a close iron grip. (More on that later )

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2021 ⏰

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