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I mumbled poking Alex, he looked down at me,

'What can I do for you baby?',

Alex asked as we sat next to the hype house pool just enjoying our friends company, well I was mainly enjoying my boyfriend's company who decided to surprise me by coming over tonight. I looked up at Alex and rested my head on his shoulder,

'I'm tired',

I said softly, Alex put his hand onto my thigh resting his head on top of mine laying a quick kiss on my head before he did,

'me too',

Alex said softly, it wasn't exactly the answer I was looking for,

'I'm a bit cold too',

I added on, Alex took a deep breath,

'me too',

Alex mumbled, I rolled my eyes and pulled my head off of his shoulders taking his head off of mine. I looked at him a little annoyed,

'go damn it Alex. give me your jacket and cuddle with me you dumb ass',

I said looking at my boyfriend, he began to smile at me,

'I know. I just wanted to see how long it would take before you actually asked me for them instead of trying to drop some not so subtle hints',

Alex said standing up taking his jacket off as he looked down at me. He pulled me up so I was standing next to him as he put his jacket on me, pulling me into a hug,


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