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"What's astral projection?" Rue questioned as Tony entered.

"An out of body experience," Bruce said. "When the conscience is out of the physical body and can travel anywhere in the universe."

"I was able to travel."

"Space travel in astral projection," Tony said in awe. "No one can prove it's real but we have evidence. Maybe we can play poker."

"All of these powers are defensive," she said. "Maybe the astral projection can be for reconnaissance."

"Re-reconnaissance?" Tony stuttered.

His eyes locked on hers and trailed to the papers he snatched. Skimming through them, he stopped at a page and dropped it.

"You're an Avenger now," he said quietly. "Are you still my..."


"But I thought we... connected," he said, entwining his fingers.

He started to sniffle as if her actions touched his heart and she and Bruce confusedly frowned until he ended his scene with a sigh.

"At least Ultron will be an assistant," she figured.

"Ultron? What's Ultron?" Bruce inquired.

"The AI we will create to protect the world," Tony explained.

"From the scepter?" he asked and they nodded.

"And my parting gift will be to plan a celebration when it's done. Even if it's a prototype," she said.

"Yeah we have about three days until these guys come to take it," Tony added and he waved a hand for Bruce to follow.

Rue exhaled once they left and leaned over to grab the initiation packet. Leaving the room, the hallways grew narrow and she could hear the construction work over the ledge and when she turned the corner, the eye-patched man stood in front of her.

"Have you made up your mind?" he asked.

She handed him the paper for him to look at and he didn't make an expression when he saw the signature.

"Welcome," he said plainly and walked away.

She opened a portal but before she could step through, she felt a presence behind her and pivoted to swing when Steve caught her fist and pulled her into a hug. Through her back, she could feel his chest rise and fall. With the exhale, she could feel his breath on her shoulder and her hairs spiked, sending a chill down her spine that he could probably see in her blue veins.

She returned the heavy breath before stepping away. She turned to face him, noticing that he had stepped closer and could tell his eyes were bluer than before. His hand fell on her elbow but nothing happened after.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yes," she answered. "Sorry if I scared you, I just couldn't find my body."

"You never have to apologize."

"Okay," she said dryly. "I have a party to go plan."

Behind her, she opened a portal and smiled once more before falling backward and landing on the soft bed. She rolled to her side and covered her mouth, wanting to scream.

With a wide grin on her face, she rolled out of bed to her feet and pranced out of her room. She went to her formal office and sat on the computer chair to send invitations for the event.

She thought about live music but changed the idea and created a mix of classics. Light, one-bite food was necessary with bottles of champagne for toasts and an open bar.

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