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Rue entered the laboratory where the team was conversing and casually walked down the steps.

"Anything new?" Bruce asked.

"A portal opened behind me and took me to the store last night," she said blatantly. "And then I floated in space for a while."

"I knew it," Clint muttered.

"Explain," Tony demanded. "Or possibly show us."

"Yeah, take me back to Asgard," Thor chuckled.

"I don't know if I could make one that far because the store was only down the street," she explained.

She exhaled, cracking her neck, and focused on the unknown realm. Feeling a small breeze behind her, she turned around to see the cloudy portal behind her.

"And what if it was a black hole?" Clint asked. "We'd all be sucked in."

"I hope it's Asgard," she said, deriving from his question. "If we get stuck in space, I have oxygen and you'll survive."

"You have oxygen without a suit?" Natasha asked and she confusedly nodded.

"After you, my lady," Thor said.

Rue took a step forward, passing through the portal and her foot landed on gold. A sword was pointed at her from a man in golden armor that set it down when Thor came through.

"Heimdall," Thor assured him. "This is the girl who was affected by the Tesseract."

"Yes," Heimdall hummed. "As an All-Seer, Rue, you can be anywhere. Anywhere in the universe. Like the Tesseract, you contain cosmic power... use it wisely."

"Now that's a better answer than what Stark and Banner would give," Thor remarked.

"Thanks for the information," she nodded. "We should probably get back."

The portal reopened in the same spot and she walked through to fall amid zero gravity. Her arms and legs were spread out as she floated in the small ball. Thor was beside her and began to laugh at the stupid positions they were in but also the beautiful sight.

Another larger portal spawned and sucked them out and they landed on the hard floors of the lab.

"What she says is true," Thor grumbled as they stood. "Even Heimdall approved of it."

"I contain cosmic energy from the Tesseract," she explained as if it was something she was supposed to understand.

"Alright, we're going to run some more tests," Tony concluded. "You can't leave."

"Well she can if she wanted to," Natasha pointed out.

"Can you shoot energy out of your hands?" Tony started.

"Follow me, let's try physical tests," Nat said.

Rue walked beside Natasha as the team huddled behind them as they went to the training room. Copying her notions of taking her off her shoes, they stood on the mat.

"Just slow and easy," Nat said, holding up a fist.

"Agility," Tony started.

"Well I do have little pra-" Rue cut herself off when she saw a fist flying from the corner of her eye and caught it, twisting it around and kicked Natasha in the back.


Natasha stood in her stance and tilted her head in seriousness. As she threw a punch that was dodged and returned, the two went on back and forth in the same pattern the Widow tried to break. Every time she switched, Rue caught the change and protected herself.

It seemed normal but abnormal at the same time.

She could tell her opponent was getting frustrated and threw a forceful punch that Rue's instinct seemed to deflect with a portal and warped her in.

"Oh shit," Tony muttered.

"Bring her back," Steve said.

"Only if she's not dead," Clint commented.

"I don't know where she is," she exclaimed. "I don't know if she went to the air bubble that's out of our Solar System."

"It was a defense mechanism, just calm down and open it up," Steve said.

Taking a big breath, the portal opened and Natasha appeared with wide eyes.

"That's pretty cool," she managed to say.

"I know right?" Thor agreed.

"Now that we're done with that..." Tony trailed off. "Can you shoot energy out of your hands?"

"What about a black hole, that'll save us a lot of fighting," Clint said.

"If she can't control it, she could open a gateway to the bad guys," Bruce pointed out. "Then we'll have another incident."

The room went silent as the team stared at each other until their eyes moved to her and she slightly shrugged. It was quiet to the point she could hear a pin drop but there was another sound, something from light-years away and she was sucked into a portal.

Instead of tumbling around, she stayed sitting in an imaginary bean bag in the middle of space. There were no stars or light, it was just pitch black.

Through the shimmer of the oxygen bubble, she could see a ball. In the center, six pieces of colored light exploded into the universe the tiny Solar System was a part of. The other lights traveled afar but the blue one stayed in front of her. When the light disappeared, she was snatched back into reality.

"Where'd you go?" Tony asked.

"I think I just watched the Big Bang," she whispered with a blink to snap her out.

"Good to know it's not just a theory," Bruce commented.

"Can you move planets?" Tony asked. "Pluto is getting on my nerves."

"I don't know what I can do or the extent of my power," she said monotonously. "I'm just as new to this."

Before they could ask any more questions or trying to apologize for the overuse, she casted a portal and fell back into space where her bubble floated in front of the Milky Way Galaxy that continued to expand in the Bang.

The galaxies and stars stared at her in the silence she returned. A comet passed by and swung her around the air pocket until she caught her balance again before traveling back to Earth.

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