Draco nods. "That must be it then. The thing the dog is guarding. It must be the stone."

"And Snape is trying to steal it." Harry says.

"Why would snape try to..." draco starts.

"To make the elixir of life." Harry says. "I bet he wants to live forever."

"That's preposterous." Draco grumbles. "What good would eternal life be to somebody so salty."

"We should warn Dumbledore." Harry says.

"It really is none of our business." Draco says.

Faith happens to overhear them talking as they enter the common room. All she heard was snape was trying to live forever using the stone. "We can't let him get away with it."

"what?" Draco and Harry says turning toward her.

"Snape wants to live forever." faith says irritated. "That seems stupid, I can think of plenty of other people who deserve eternal life more than snape. We should steal it first."

Draco frowns. "Firstly no, secondly, NO!" He turns to harry. "It's far too dangerous. Besides, Snape might not be after it for himself."

"But if he was after it for himself that would be selfish." faith replies. "We deserve it more than he does!?"

Harry looks at draco. "It doesn't matter. I'm sure there are more things than just a three headed dog guardian the stone. With dumbledore in the castle it would be impossible to get to."

"Quite right." draco nods. "Impossible."

"We should be more worried about our school work." Harry says. "Snape seems to think we are lacking in our studies."

Draco nods. "We do need to start preparing for the end of term exams."

Faith agrees. "I suppose you might be right. With dumbledore around it would be impossible to get past any spells or such that might be protecting the stone."

"At least we can feel good in our amature detective skills." draco replies. "We managed to find out a closely guarded secret that most adults haven't a clue about."

Harry nods. "That's true."

"What class is tomorrow?" goyle says.

Crabbe answers him. "Well it looks like we will still have potions, charms, and transfiguration. They seem to have added muggle studies to the after holidays list."

"Probably because it's insanely easy." Harry says.

Draco and Harry join Crabbe and Goyle at the sofas and they all sit down and begin to look at the notebook Snape had left them.

"We should make copies of this so we don't have to all share it." goyle remarks. "There is a simple spell for copying things but um... I don't know it."

"You guys are so hilarious." faith chuckles pointing her wand at the notebook. "The Geminio charm should do." She waves her wand. "Honestly you should study up on some spells. Even a few advanced ones. It would help us keep up with gryffindor. The mudblood granger knows more spells than any other first year and more then most second year students as well."

The book shakes and drops three more copies of itself.

Goyle, crabbe, and Draco pick up the extra copies of the notebooks to see how well the copying worked. When they touch the notebooks they all shake and drop 3 more copies each.

"What's happening?" Harry says.

Draco drops his notebook as more notebooks spring forth. "Turn it off!"

Crabbe and goyle do the same as draco.

Faith lifts her wand but the notebooks keep multiplying. "I can't stop it!"

"This is why we don't practice advanced magic, first years." an older student says walking up to them. She waves her wand and the notebooks stop multiplying. "Next time ask an older student to help you with advanced spells." she picks up a notebook and flips through the pages. "Study notes for first years. Looks like you got some good info here. Ingredients for potions and first year charms that haven't even been taught yet." she smirks. "Well with these notes you will have no trouble passing your end of term exams." she looks among them and lifts her wand. "We only need five copies so I will take care of the rest." the extra notebooks disappear.

The boys pick up their books again and this time they do not multiply.

The older girl hands the notebook she has to Faith. "Incase you were wondering. You must follow up the Geminio charm with a cancel spell otherwise they will just keep on multiplying."

"Oh. ok." Faith nods. "Thanks."

The older girl nods and takes her leave.

Faith writes down in her notebook that spell needs to be canceled. She then realized she needed to learn a canceling spell. 

Harry Potter: Harry SlytherinWhere stories live. Discover now