Chapter 16.

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A while after Aaron left my room, I was finally able to gather myself up again and go to bed. I fell asleep with the thought that the man I loved no longer loved me back. It had been a painful night to say the least.

Little did I know, he had had just as painful of a night. Both of us laid staring at the ceiling above us, wishing more than anything that things had been different.

The following morning I woke up to Emily knocking at my door with a hot cup of coffee and fresh clothes for me to wear.

"Well, you look like shit." She said, sitting down next to me.

"I feel like shit." I muttered back before taking a sip of the coffee in my hand. "Did you guys all hear that last night?"

"Let's not focus on that right now, okay? Strauss wants us all in the round table room in 30 to go over the case details and your plan for going undercover." She got up and started towards the door but I called out for her before she left.

"Hey, Em?" She hummed in response. "Thank you."

"For what?"

"For you know, not hating me." I couldn't even look at her now, my eyes were trained to the floor in front of me. For whatever reason I felt shy, almost nervous to talk to her. She had been my best friend before I left and now it felt like we were strangers.

"None of us hate you, Y/n, not even JJ." I only scoffed in response. "Now hurry and get ready, you only have 30 minutes." And with that, she walked out of the room.

I sat alone for a few moments before getting up to get ready for the day ahead.

Emily had brought me a pair of black dress pants and a baby blue long sleeve button down. The pants made my curves look fantastic and the shirt matched my skin tone nicely. I put on minimal makeup, only sticking to mascara and blush, and then pulled my hair back into a low bun.

Needless to say, I certainly did not look bad by any standards.

Walking into the round table room, I noticed that I was the last to arrive other than Aaron. I looked around the room, unsure of where I was supposed to sit, when Spence gave me a warm smile and motioned for me to sit in the chair next to him.

"Thank you." I whispered towards him as I sat down to which he gave his signature 'tight lipped awkward smile' in response.

"Okay, let's get started." Hotch said as he and Strauss walked into the room. "The target is 34-year-old Shawn McCallister, an arms dealer for people around the US as well as several big corporations overseas." He started.

Penelope began clicking the small remote in her hand to show pictures of McCallister and his associates.

Strauss looked at me before adding on. "Y/l/n, this is where you come in. You are to use your 'Mistress' alias to make a deal with him. Once the details and meeting are set, we will come in and make the arrest."

And that's how the rest of the morning went on. Everyone went over the plan several times to make sure it was completely foolproof.

Or so they all thought.

Strauss already had Penelope message McCallister on his private server to tell him I was interested in buying from him. Now, we wait.

~ ~ ~ ~

Emily, Penelope, and I were sitting in her 'batcave' when McCallister messaged back. Every translation and communication he had with his buyers was going through an underground website, which is how the FBI was originally able to track him. The three of us were talking about Penny's new guy when her computer dinged.

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