🖤Chapter 18🖤

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"It's completely fine. We understand." Calum smiled at me. "Don't get too worked up. How about you go home and have a rest, she'll be fine her. If anything happens we'll call you."

I thought about what he said and agreed. "Just please call me if anything happens. Anything at all, even if her heart rate goes up the tiniest bit."

"Of course we will." Michael patted me on the back.

"I'll follow you out Luke, I need to go pick something up from the hotel." Ashton said, slipping his jacket on.

We said our goodbyes and I left the hospital once again. I needed a pizza.


I left the alleyway, with a smirk prominent on my face. Time for my revenge. I stalked into the hotel, keeping my head down. I didn't want anyone to see me. I made my way up to Luke's office and slowly opened the door. It's been a long time since I've been in here. No one was inside so I hurried in and closed it. A large desk was placed in front of a window, overlooking the city. As I looked out, I could see tiny people walking through the streets of London. Idiots, the lot of them.

I turned around and opened a draw in front of me. I didn't exactly know what I was looking for, just anything I could use to blackmail him. There was a folder full of documents and pens. "Not important" I thought, chucking it in the bin. Opening another draw there was more papers that ended up in the bin.

I've been in the office for about 10 minutes now, snooping through his stuff. On his laptop I found messages to Keira which I did NOT want to find. I was about to give up and leave but then footsteps were heard, making me stand up straight. I had no where to hide. Literally no where. The door flew open revealing a man, who was on his phone? Ashton Irwin? I knew him.

"What the fuck are you doing in Luke's office?" He asked with a shocked expression.

"I could say the same to you." I put my hand in my pocket, I had a gun with me and would use it if I needed to.

"I was getting my documents that I left." He answered. "I can't let you leave though."

He pulled out his phone and started scrolling through it. I pulled out my gun and aimed it at him. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." I threatened.

"Put the gun down." Ashton gulped.

"No, not until you put the phone down." I ordered. I didn't want to shoot him, but I would if I had to.

He nodded his head and placed his phone on the table next to him.

"Good, now I want you to-" I started but got cut off with the door flying open, hitting the wall.

"David Hoffmann, you're arrested for carrying round an illegal firearm and breaking and entering. " A policeman walked up to me, handcuffing me. What? Everything else he said was a blur. As I got escorted out the building I saw Luke with a smirk large on his face. I glared at him before being shoved into a police car.


Finally, my life could get better again. I got a message on my phone saying someone was in my office, thank fuck for security cameras! Seeing David in my office, I called the police and drove there. Ashton luckily wasn't hurt, just very confused. Now that David was in prison along with Grayson and Kyle, I could get Keira back. Turns out that David was found with bags of cocaine on him, adds another couple years on his sentence. I met back up at the hospital with Calum, Abi, Michael and Ashton to explain what happened.

"Wow." Abi exclaimed. "That was lucky."

"Yep." I agreed with her.

"So he's in jail now?" Michael questioned.

"Yes, won't be getting out for a while. The police went through his house and found more drugs and guns."

We sat in silence for a couple of minutes, I was holding Keira's hand tightly. Now all I needed was for her to wake up and come back to me. I wasn't sure if that would be happening any time soon though.

"Hiii, sorry guys but you'll all need to leave now. Visiting times are over." The nurse said, I found out her name was Nurse Katie.

"Ok, we'll be back tomorrow." Abi laughed.

"That's fine, Keira seems to be responding well to the medicine."

I planted a light kiss to Keira's forehead and followed everyone out of the room.

I saw Ashton eyeing up Katie, making me chuckle.

"Ask her out on a date." I nudged his side.

"What? Who?" His cheeks grew red.

"Katie, I saw you checking her out. Just do it."

He looked as if he was having a conversation with himself, then nodded at me and walked off to Katie, who was leaning on a wall looking at a clipboard.

I saw her smile when Ashton said hello. I left Ashton with Katie and went to find the rest who were now waiting outside the building.

"Where were you?" Michael raised his eyebrow at me. Calum and Abi were sharing a kiss, making me jealous. I wanted to do that with Keira.

"Oh, I was telling Ashton to ask Katie out."

"Yeah, he definitely likes her. He was looking at her ass when she was bent over earlier, looking at Keira's bandages." I laughed loudly at his words.

"What's so funny?" Ashton asked, he had a big smile on his face.

"You looking at Katie's ass" Michael responded.

"Anyway, I got her number! We're meeting up tomorrow for a meal." He smiled. I loved seeing Ashton smile. He's helped me through so much and deserved happiness.

I drove home, with a pizza I picked up and decided on eating it with some shitty TV on in the background. It felt as if my life was being put back together now.


I actually love seeing Ash smile, him being happy is so important to me. Also, his smile is sooooooo adorable. I love it. AND HIS DIMPLES.

Lost in leather | LRHTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang