Chapter Two

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- Dumbledore : Harry, I have someone very important to present to you.

Someone enters the room from a hidden door in the headmaster's office, a girl, breaking the tension, and not noticing Harry's presence at first.

- Alyx : Professor, I can't seem to find my scarf. And did you call me here?

She looks up and see's Harry. She stares at Dumbledore, lost.

- Dumbledore : Harry my boy, this is Alyx.

- Alyx : Um, professor, who is that?

Dumbledore looks at the both of them, hesitantly.

- Dumbledore : Alyx is you're twin sister.

Harry's heart skips a beat, and he stares at Dumbledore, baffled. The girl looks around, lost and confused.

- Alyx : W-what? It's not possible, you told me I was an orphan. And who's that guy, he can't be my brother, I don't know him!

- Dumbledore, sighing : Well he is. I'm sorry I hid this from you both for so long, but it was necessary.

Harry doesn't react, he lost contact from the world and just stares into nothing. He then comes back to his mind and looks up to Dumbledore, his anger reflecting in his eyes.

- Harry : How could you hide this from me? I deserved to know! She deserved to know!

Dumbledore waves his hands calmly and asks them both to sit down so he can explain everything. They take their seats and look at each other, curious.

- Dumbledore : 16 years ago, Lily Potter gave birth to two children, Alyx Lily Potter and Harry James Potter. Both were promised to great things, but the night your parents got killed by the Dark Lord, little Alyx got hit differently by the dark Lord than you did Harry, and got teleported to a random's person's house. It took me years to find you, and then I thought that it was better if you stayed hidden, away from the Dark Lord. Now that Voldemort is finally dead, I know that it is now safe for you to meet Harry.

As the Headmaster finishes his story, he looks at them. Harry is choqued, and Alyx stands up aggressively and angrily.

- Alyx : Are you telling me you kept me away from the world, from my brother, all those years? Telling me my parents didn't want me! Making me believe I was lonely! How could you..

The lights flickers in the room, as she turns around and runs back to the hidden room.

- Dumbledore, puts his head in his hands : Harry, please go after her.

The boy gets up and runs after her,entering the room. He looks up and sees a staircase, leading to the top of a tower. He walks up the stairs, arriving in a tower, most similar to the astronomy tower. Alyx is leaning against a wall, near a window.

Harry sits down, facing her.

- Alyx : So.. I guess you're my brother.

- Harry, laughs slightly in disbelief : Yeah, I guess.

Alyx looks up, tears in her eyes.

- Alyx : I'm not alone anymore?

Harry's heart breaks at the sight of her crying, feeling a strong need to protect her. He comes near her and takes her in his arms.

- Harry : You're not.

Alyx smiles through her tears. They just stay here, hugging, as if they were gonna get ripped away from each other again. They both felt like they found the missing part in them. And it felt amazing.

When they finally let go of each other, they smiled and looked up.

- Harry : So tell me about you. I want to know everything.

- Alyx, laughs : Well, I'm bisexual and I love frogs and snakes. I actually have a frog pet and an owl, their names are Jinx and Rain! I love flying, reading, potions and learning spells. How about you?

- Harry : Oh woaw! I have an Owl pet too, her name is Hedwig. I'm the seeker in the gryffindor quiditch team and I'm pretty good at Defense of the dark arts. My best friends are Hermione and Ron, and I'm pretty much famous because of this stupid thing.

He moves his hair around, revealing the scar on his forehead. Alyx stares at it, curious.

- Alyx : How did you get this?

Harry looks away.

- Harry : Voldemort, the night he killed our parents.

- Alyx : Oh...Wait, that's weird, I have a mark too on my hand.

She takes out her hand from Harry's, and shows him a scar mark on the palm of her hand.

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Jan 19, 2021 ⏰

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