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I don't think I need to ask you if you know Harry Potter, or else you wouldn't be here. Harry, The boy who lived, the Chosen one, the golden boy and all that. You all know his story, he vanquished Voldemort at such a young age, protected by the love of his mother, and he knew he would have to face Voldemort again, in his life. But, there's a few things that got left out. Let's pick up where the story ended, in year 4 when he vanquished The Dark Lord in the tournament.

* flashback to year 4, triwizard tournament *

- Cedric : Harry ! RUN

Harry looks up to Cedric, dazzled and lost. He barely has time to throw himself to the ground before seeing from the corner of his eyes the bright green light and hear the unforgivable words.

- Voldemort : AVADA KEDAVRA!!

The boy's body petrifies itself to the sound of a body falling to the ground. He looks up, terrified and see's Cedric's lifeless body, laying on the grass. He manages to get his thoughts back, and gets up while getting missed by a flash of green. He starts running.

- Voldemort : Harry Potteeeer. I've waited too long for this moment, you're not escaping me.

Harry hides behind a scary stone sculpture, trying to calm his breathing down and staying concentrated. He couldn't let Cedric's death kill him either!

-Voldemort : Aaaah, its so sad your poor friend here died because of you, he had so much potential. It's all your fault Harry.

In a spite of rage and sadness, Harry yells an expelliarmous curse to the Dark Lord, nearly touching him, then hiding back behind the sculpture, missing a rebounce curse.

- Voldemort, laughing : Hahaha, is that all you have? I was expecting better from the boy who lived.

Harry takes his head in his hands, shaking. He hears whispers in his ears, but they seem.. soothing? He looks up to see the ghost of his mother and father, and Cedric's. They all look peaceful, and Harry's heart skips a beat.

- Lily : Harry, my boy, you can do it. Don't break down. We love you so much

- Cedric : Fight for me, and bring back my body, please

Harry shakes his head, tears rolling slowly on his face, but determined to end it with Voldemort. His vision disappears, and he grabs back to reality. He jumps out of his hidding place, and send a disarming charm to Voldemort.


- Harry : RAAAAH!

Both of them send a curse at the same time, the charms hitting each other, creating a big ball of magic, hovering between both. The power is so big, they both flinch and have to gather all of their force to maintain the contact. Harry starts weaking, but hears a voice brushing his ear.

- Lily, James and Cedric : You can do it, don't stop.

Harry uses every inch of power and strength left in him, and let's out a yell of struggle, while pushing the ball towards Voldemort.

- Harry : AAAAAH!

The ball of magic collapses into Voldemort, disarming him, and making him fall to his knees, shrieking in pain, still at the mercy of the power.

He slowly starts turning to dust, letting out a last scream of rage that makes the world vibrate.


And then he completely disappears, defeated.

Harry walks painfully to Cedric's body and the cup, sobbing. He collapses to the ground, touching both, while he feels his body get transported back to Howgarts. As the people clapp them both in joy, then slowly realise that Cedric didn't make it, Harry's head is fuzzy, and he blacks out, the crying ringing in his ears.

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