Tally Marks | Nishinoya Yuu

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((When you fall in love with someone a tally mark appears on your wrist. The color is red if your love is reciprocated, black if it's unrequited. A red tally mark turns dark red when one of you falls out of love or becomes a scar when the other one passes away.))

You sighed as you stared at the three black tally marks that adorned your wrist. Today was the first day of your third year in high school and you still hadn't gotten your first red mark.

Your first mark had been for a boy when you were in your first year. He was also a first-year, but in a different class from you. He was cool, energetic, and seemed fun to be around, but he didn't even know you existed. You had spent your entire year silently observing him during breaks, club activities, when school ended, ...

When you graduated to the second year you were over him and you soon got your second tally mark.
This time it was a boy from your own class and you grew bold enough to ask him out. You dated him for a little while in hopes of him gaining a red mark for you. Soon after he gained a tally mark for someone else though and you found yourself alone again.

The third mark you gained during spring holiday when you went abroad. You met a guy and even though you could not understand a word of what he said you fell head over heels.

That love ended when the holidays did though and now you were here in your third year without ever experiencing being loved back.

You sighed again, drawing the attention of your friend who sat next to you.

"Don't be so depressed! Third year just started, you'll get your fourth mark in no time!" She tried to cheer you up.

You were not in the mood to cheer up however and cynically replied: "It doesn't matter how many tallies I get, they'll all be black anyway!"

Your friend scoffed. "If you keep on moping like that they certainly will. If you're gloomy all the time the guys won't get to see your good side!"

You hated to admit it but she was probably right. You were about to give a reply when someone's loud voice interrupted you.

"Uggggh!!! How will I get through this year without Kiyoko-san?!"

Hearing that name only made your mood worse. Your first love had never even looked your way, but he'd always talk about a girl called Kiyoko.

It's not that you had anything against this 'Kiyoko' personally, it's just that if he hadn't been so distracted by her, maybe you would've stood a chance.

"I understand your pain, Ryu! But at least we still have each other!" The two guys who had made a dramatic entrance made their way to the back of the classroom.

The teacher glared at them and gave them a warning. "Tanaka, Nishinoya I'd appreciate it if you arrived a little earlier and a little more composed tomorrow."

You glanced at the two boys who had just taken a seat and your eyes met Nishinoya's. He gave you a wide grin and a thumbs up causing your heart to skip a beat and your face to heat up.

You turned around quickly and focused on the blackboard.

"What was that about?" You heard your friend whisper as class started.

"That's the guy from my first mark. Of course, now he's in my class and notices that I exist." You sighed and opened your notebook to start paying attention to your lesson.

As the year progressed you were reminded why you had fallen for Nishinoya in your first year. He was funny, energetic, positive, and reliable. He and Tanaka were always the life of the party and the teachers often had to tell them to tone it down a notch or three.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2021 ⏰

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