{ 9 - Trapped }

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                                                     Mew POV

    I had to go. I needed to get out of here. If I don't, I'd end up back in the hospital. The men got out of their cars armed. I knew I didn't have much time left for any sort of escape, so I made a run for it. 

    I had gotten about 5 steps until a sharp pain hit my back. I stopped running as everything around me started to spin. I was fighting to keep my balance and hopefully snap out of this, but unfortunately I could not. I fell to the floor screaming in agony until one of the men came up to me shoving a cloth in my mouth to be unheard.

    He smirked at me saying, "I hope you're little hubby will pick you up here." Just like that, all I can remember is  the pain getting worse and then nothing. I couldn't even function to process anything around me. 

                                                            Gulf POV 

    It's now 10 p.m. and Mew is still not back. When he wasn't here at 8, I assumed that traffic was just really bad or he got to some type of complication at the dorm. I've now called him a total of 48 times since 9:30 p.m. first asking if he wanted food, then jokingly ask for him to hurry up, then lastly turning into messages full of worry.

    Mew had randomly sent me his location, but I ignored it. After not relying and stressing for another 30 min., he called. 

"MEW! What the hell? Where are you? You said-"

    I was going to continue on in my rant on why he's not here and how worried I am, but I was quickly cut off by what sounded like Mew crying into the phone.

"Mew... why are you crying?"

"help me..."

"Mew, I'll come and get you. Are you still at the same place where you sent your location?"

"Yes, please come. It hurts..."

    he hung up the phone leaving me speechless. I grabbed my jacket and ran out the door. I caught a taxi and showed the driver the destination that Mew had sent me. We drove as I impatiently sat on the edge of my seat, constantly telling the driver to go faster. I could tell he was so pissed at me at this point, but I didn't care. I just needed to know if Mew was safe.

   Once we arrived, it was raining really hard. The adrenaline running throughout me caused me to totally ignore the rain. I just ran through it with my flashlight looking for Mew.

    I kept looking in each spot until I found him in the very middle spot.

                                             (A little while before) Mew POV

    I woke up and it was raining. The pain in my back only got worse as I quickly felt pain in my legs and arm. I barely had any strength to do anything at all. All I could do is just lie their in pain hoping for my to gain some strength.

   After what felt like an hour later, I finally regained a little bit of strength in my arm again to reach in my back pocket to call Gulf.

    Anyone would have asked me why I didn't call 911. Well, being the mafia boss, with this situation, the last thing I need  is the police getting involved. 

    Calling Gulf, I lost strength and hung up after saying what I needed. Shortly after that I passed out again.

                                               (back to present time) Gulf POV

    When I found him, he laid there motionless. I was so scared if he was dead or close to death. I tried to shake him awake but no response. The only thing I can think to do now is punch him. I don't want to hurt him but this is the only hope I have to get him back to his senses. 

    As soon as I threw the punch, he woke up coughing. "Mew, are you ok? Let me call 911!" As I just took out my phone, the took my hand slowly putting the phone down. 

   "Don't call them." He said in a raspy, tired voice. I looked at him confused. Did he want to just die there? No, he can't. As long as I'm here I won't let him die.

    "What, no. I'm calling them now." His grip tightened on my wrist and looked up at me. "Please don't. I'll explain later, but for now, lets just get back to the hotel." I was hesitant, but I eventually but my phone in my back pocket and helped him up.

   We limped back to the to the main road and caught another taxi. I have been spending so much money on taxies but I'm doing whatever it takes to keep Mew safe. We stumbled into the car and drove off back to the hotel.

    We struggled but finally made it back to the hotel. He sat up on the back board of the bed. 

"What happened to you?"

"A group of guys came and attacked me once I arrived to the dorm."

"Does this have to do with 'what you have to explain later'?"

"Yes, but-"

"So, tell me.  won't let anyone hurt you like this again. I'm here and I want to help you. Please just tell  me."

"I can't. I don't want you to run away from me." 

"I won't. I'll never leave you alone. That's something for another day. So tell me what's up. I promise I won't leave."



"I'm the son of the-"

"Midnight Gang. I know. You don't remember when you told me?"

"You didn't let me finish. I'm the leader."


Hey guys! Thank you for staying tuned. I plan now to put out 6-11 more chapters. It really just depends on how the storyline rolls out. I hope everyone is enjoying the story regardless off how bad, good, sad, or dramatic it is. Make sure to follow, vote, and comment. See you guys next time. BYEEEEEE!

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