{ 8 - Watch The Trap }

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                                                   Mew POV

    Time flew and before I knew it, I was checking Gulf out of the hospital. Through the week in the hospital with Gulf, I couldn't stop thinking about that crazy dude that came into the room that day.

    As we walked to my car, I had a weird feeling, like someone was watching me. When Gulf got in the car, I looked around and ignored my gut feeling. 

    "So, where are we going?" Gulf asked. I honestly thought he was going back home. Why was he asking me where to go? Out of curiosity, I asked him, "Aren't I driving you back to your parent's house?" Big mistake.

    Gulf first looked at me with a scared and shocked look on his face. Then he ducked down holding his head in pain. I kept trying to communicate with asking if he was ok, but he failed to answer. At this point I was getting back out the car to carry Gulf back in. Before I could even unfasten his seatbelt, it seemed as if his pain suddenly stopped. He seemed ok again.

    I once again asked, "Are you ok?" with him now replying with a, "Yes but I don't want to go home." Once again I was in pure confusion. First, he freaked out about me being in the hospital room with him because his dad might see me, now this. Regardless, I walked back into the car to then question Gulf to see if some of my suspicions are right.

"What do you mean you don't want to go back home? Is there a reason why?"

"Of course there's a reason why. I just need a moment to remember that reason."

"Ok well I know you didn't like the hospital food all to much, so what do you say to Thai BBQ?"

"Hell yeah!"

    He winched in pain a little bit after yelling but we then laughed and drove off. I couldn't get anything out of him, but at least he was smiling again.

    We pulled up the the BBQ place and we sniffed the meat cooking from outside the car. I was super excited for the treat awaiting inside.

    We were seated quickly considering that the place was a little emptier than usual because it was a Monday afternoon. We order the meats we wanted and drinks as well. Once the meats came, we grilled and enjoyed small talk on random things like society, music, and TV shows. He was one of the best people to talk to even if he didn't remember our friendship. We talked for so long that a few hours had passed. By a few hours, I mean five. 

    Just as we were about to leave, I told Gulf, "You can stay at my place if you want. You seem pretty scared to go back home. So, you can stay with me until you figure things out." Gulf smiled at me and got up to sit on my side of the table booth. He looked at me again and hugged me whispering, "Thank you. Thank you for staying by my side," into my ear. "No problem, and I will continue as long as I live.

    I held out my pinky, "I promise." Gulf raised his eyebrows at my corniness and eventually linked his pinky with mine. "I promise to always be there for you when you need me." We smiled at each other and hugged again. A beautiful moment at last.

    Once we had finished, I had explained to him that my dorm room pipes had to get fixed so he would stay in a hotel for 2 days. I offered to pay, but he insisted. I convinced him that his had been hospitalized and he didn't have much money at the moment so I paid. He at least wanted me to stay with him so I agreed. I caught him a taxi to the hotel with my credit card and and some cash for food if he wanted it. I sent him away because I was going back to my dorm to get some clothes and told him I would be back at 8pm at the latest if I got held up.

    Driving to the dorm, I had to pass through this alley that was really dark. This alley was so dark that if you didn't have your head lights on, it would be pitch black. But I have lived here long enough to be used to it and go through without a problem.

    I continued driving almost to the end of the alley until a a big white van suddenly pulls in blocking the end of the alley. I waited thinking they would move and they were just dropping off someone. But 2 minutes passed and no one got in or out of the car. There was nothing. 

Ok you can just take the long way around. Just pull out the alley backwards and take the next turn. This seems really suspicious but just get out of here while you can.

    I put my car in reverse and started to pull out. As I was looking in my mirror to make sure I wasn't running into anything, another smaller more normal sized car pulled in blocking the other exit. My heart started pounding as I started putting two and two together. Soon, I realizing that this wasn't a coincidence. 

    This was a trap.


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