2 "So you must be the new girl everybody's talking about?"

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I enter the Bookstore and gasp! How can so many books possibly fit in to one, tiny shop? There are shelves upon shelves, rows upon rows of novels and books. And i'm not just talking a few dozen; Books were crammed right to the very top of the bookshelves, no space created whatsoever. How am I supposed to find one little book in this leather-back land of infinite?

And that is when I notice the A's B's and C's cards sticking out from the mahogany shelves. Silly me. I scan the bursting shelves with my eyes, looking for the card that reads the letter M. 

There it is. I head over to one of the shelves on the far right of the store and begin searching. After a while with no luck, I feel a hand tap my shoulder.

 "Do you want help?"

I spin around and stand up from my crouching position to come face to face with a boy around the same age as me. He has sort of tamed blackish hair and blue eyes, with a pair of round black spectacles sitting on the bridge of his nose.

"Uh.." I begin. Do i ask for help? I'm not at all sure who this boy is, but I guess it's nice to be nice. Besides, perhaps If i made a new friend - or acquaintance - I wouldn't feel so alone at least.

"Yes please, actually" I say, and the boy smiles. "What book do you need?"

I give him the name of the book and we both begin searching the same never ending book shelf in silence, exchanging a smile here and there. And, after what feels like forever, The boy stands up. 

"Found it!" He says, looking accomplished. I rise to my feet and politely take the book.

"Thank you.. ?" My voice trails off at the end in a question - like tone.

The boy raises his eyebrows before offering his hand for a possible handshake.

"Harry. Harry potter"

I shake his hand, and then I freeze. What did he just say his name was?

Harry must have seen the look on my face, and, chuckling he says

"Yes, that's right. I'm the boy who lived" still astonished to be meeting this, well - celebrity in person, he lifts up his hand, brushing back his hair to reveal the scar in the shape of a lightening strike on his forehead.

"Oh.. shit" I say surprised, then, quickly realising what I had just said, covered my mouth. 

"I mean - " I begin, but he simply laughs. "It's fine" we both smile. "So, you must be the new girl everyone's talking about"

People were already talking about me?

"Oh, don't worry" Harry said as if he'd read my mind. "Good things. Like, people are excited there's someone new joining the school. We haven't had a new student in years"

"Oh" I say. I can tell he wants to talk more, but I catch glimpse of my Mother, looking inside the shop window. Probably for me. 

"I'm sorry, my mum's there, I have to go" I smile and place a hand on his shoulder. 

"Oh Okay, guess i'll see you on the train then?" Harry asks

"Yes, see you then. It was really nice to meet you Harry!" I call to him as I head to the counter to pay for my book. "You too!" He calls back. I pay for my book then head for the door, but the voice of Harry stops me again.

"Wait, I didn't catch your name" He Calls out to me again. I turn around and smile.

"Alicia. Alicia Morgan"

He smiles and I return the favour as I spin back around and open the door. greeting my mother. But she doesn't look too pleased.

"Alicia! I was so worried. Don't disappear like that again!" She scolds. "Sorry Mum" I say as she takes my book and puts it in to my bag.

Pureblood // a draco malfoy love storyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin