chapter 3

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"you guys did so good last night" i say "god i'm still pumped up about it"

"thanks to you" kairi says

"you scared the team straight by yelling at kevin like that" ale says

"he kept messing up and i wasn't gonna have it" i say "look at the bright side. we're number one and we're undefeated"

"oh and that girl alexa told me to tell you to answer her calls or give her a call" i tell ale

he groans

"damn it. i have sex with her one time and she won't hop off" he says

"maybe stop sleeping around?" i suggest

"it's ale. he can't" kairi says

"one day. one day i'm gonna get my own friend group" i say "one where i can talk about girl stuff and not be made fun of"

"you can talk to us" ale says

"yea but if it's about boys then i'm definitely kicking someone's ass" kairi says

"see" i say

"you're my only sister" he tells me "not taking any chances"

i close my locker

"as i said, i can't wait to find my own friend group" i say walking away

"no hug?" they say

i flip them both off and continue to walk away

i get into math class. god i hate this class most. out of no where i start to think about #7. he's cute and all but seems a bit mean. maybe he's just sore loser.

damn it can this class be over yet

i raise my hand

"yes y/n"

"i need to go to the bathroom. ladies problem" i say

he finally lets me get out

"damn finally" i say

as i get out i bump into the coach and another person

i look up

oh it's number 7 guy

"hey sweetheart" coach rosario says hugging me

"hey coach" i say hugging back "what's going on here"

"oh nothing. i'm just showing him around just in case he wants to come play for us. it'll be a big win once again next season"  he tells me

"ah reaching out to number #7" i say "smart very smart"

"i have a name you know" he says with some kind of stank attitude

"aw good thing i don't care #7 guy" i reply and walk away

i was right about him being mean

way to go to make a bad first impression dip shit

"shouldn't you be in class" i hear ale say

i turn to my left

"i can say the same to you" i say walking up to him

"oh god you reek of weed" i say "stop smoking you'll ruin your chances of playing longer"

"mom and dad might get a divorce" he says

i frown

"i'm so sorry" i say going in to hug him

"did they say why?"

"mom thinks dad is too focused on soccer more than he is at home"

"my mom used to think the same with my dad. she then found out about me and was in and out of my life" i say

"we have shitty lives don't we" he asks

"we really do" i say sighing "now let me smell weed on you again and i'll kick your ass alejandro"

he laughs

"what's he doing here" he asks

i follow his tracks and see he's looking at number 7

"your dad is showing him around just in case he wants to be here next season" i tell him "he said it'll be a even bigger win with him combined with you and kairi"

"my dad always been smart" he tells me "i'm not shocked he went after him"

"me either man" i say

skip to the rematch

well passaic valley decided to have a rematch but just for fun i guess. which is weird, we get to the field and see number 7. he looks like he didn't wanna be here. hm they're with another girl. i guess she's like a coach too

"it's a rematch and kevin if you find a way to fuck this up again i'm cutting your balls off" i say

"kairi and alejandro you guys know what to do. kevin you make a good goalie, you can stay there" i say "now win this or i'll literally end all of you"

they all get onto the field and start the game.


damn it we're tied again, 1-1.

"keep your fucking hands to yourself" i yell at the other team

"can someone shut this bitch up" number 7 guy says

"don't talk to her like that" kairi steps in

"or what" he snaps back

"mattia quit it and get your head back into the game" the girl yells at him

"it's not my fault this stupid bitch keeps yelling" he says

"stop calling her a bitch bro" alejandro says

"butt the fuck out"

"damn it number 7 guy shut the fuck up and suck it up" i say "take the fucking loss and stick that shit up your ass"

"i have a fucking name you know" he says "fucking use it"

"i don't know your stupid name" i say

"mattia. mattia polibio. now fucking use it"

holy crap that's the polibio kid

"i'm gonna stick to number 7 guy you ass hat"

"mattia stop fucking flirting with the other team and hurry up" that girl screams again

"i'm not fucking flirting veronica" he yells back

veronica. pretty name for a pretty girl

"god i feel bad for that girl" i say "has to put up with your shit"

"i would go to your school and ruin your life but i rather not see you everyday" he snaps back

"go fuck yourself" i say

at least we know he's not gonna change schools

"rather fuck you" he says walking away

"you known me for a few hours and already talking about sex" i say

"god get a grip" i mumble before walking away

"come on let's go home" alejandro says

"good job today guys" i say wrapping my arms around the both of them

they laugh

"i'm a proud mother" i say smiling as we walk away


hope y'all know i NEVER proof read it 😭😭. it's just too much and i'm sorry if some sentences doesn't make sense.

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