TAE: "aah-"

JK happily: "My cute baby--
My mute Baby-
My bubu-- my lubu--"

TAE started smiling to hear so many nicknames from JK.

TAE(smiling): "Ok -- ok --
Stop your drama!!!-
I am still hungry--"

JK hugged TAE more & mote tightly.
JK just squeezed TAE so much.

JK happily: "Yes -- yes--
I will feed you my Bubu Baby--"

TAE smiled to see JK's childish behaviour.

JK organised the food & started feeding TAE.
TAE also happily started eating from JK's hand.

TAE wanted to wash the dishes but JK stopped him.
JK was so happy that he happily washed all the dishes & cleaned the kitchen.

JK came to room & saw TAE who was lying on the bed.

JK suddenly asked: "Ash--
I wanted to ask you something- "

TAE: "What?-"

JK: "ah--
How did you become so poor??
& Where is your brother Jimin-"

TAE: "Jimin is with Suga in Daegu. He has some work there--"

JK: "And?
How did you become Poor?-"

TAE felt sad suddenly.

TAE murmured: "Hmm--
I will tell you later--
Not now--
I am not in mood to discuss- "

JK pouted: "Ok-"

TAE: "Let's sleep-- It's already late!-"

JK teased: "Aah??????

JK smirked & lied on the bed beside TAE.

TAE closed his eyes slowly.

JK looked at TAE.

JK turned towards TAE.

JK whispered: "TAE?-"

TAE (closed eyes): "hm?"

JK: "Don't you feel uncomfortable on the same bed with me??-
I am not even your Boyfriend- "

TAE opened his eyes & noticed JK's doe eyes infront of him.

TAE(looking directly at JK): "Aash??"

JK: "Tell me?
Why are not feeling uncomfortable with me?--"

TAE also started thinking after hearing JK that why is he not uncomfortable with JK!!

TAE murmured: "I -- I don't know--"

JK laid his hand on TAE's waist & pulled him closer.

TAE murmured: "aah?--"

JK whispered: "TAE?-
Don't you like me??--"

TAE looked away: "Ahh?-- No-"

JK pouted: "Mean--"

TAE touched JK's face.

TAE whispered: "We already kissed!!-- Why did we kiss each other?--- Tell me-"

JK looked at TAE & pulled him closer.

JK suddenly pressed his lips on TAE's lips. 💏

TAE became surprised but this time TAE responded well with JK's kiss. 💏

JK & TAE started kissing gently while closing their eyes! 💏

JK broke the kiss just to see TAE's beautiful face

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