So it's all about power to you?

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There was usually never anything interesting in my mailbox, I receive a lot of bank statements asking me to consider getting a credit card from them, but I'm always never interested. So as I throw the useless mail in the shredding machine, new footsteps join me in the room and two warm hands are placed over my eyes.

"Guess who." She says, and I'm aware it's Darien. I am correct when she comes around with a grin on her face. "It's me!"

I smile politely at her. "Hi, Darien." I say.

"Oh, it's been a while since I've seen you, even though we live across from each other I still miss you." She pouts. "The guys have been wondering why you're not around."

"The guys?"

"And the girls." She says and my mind goes to Nes and how she wouldn't care to even see me in painting. "But mainly Colson, he keeps wondering when I'm gonna bring you to dinner again, we had fun didn't we?"

"We sure did." I say and Darien's smile grows wider.

"So come to dinner tonight!" She says excitedly. "Same place, we'll have some drinks eat good food and talk." She was basically looking at me with the biggest puppy eyes. I guess I didn't have anything else to do, just like any other night. I should really get out of the house more.

"I don't think Nes would like me there." I say, half joking yet serious.

"Oh, don't mind her. Nes doesn't have a bad bone in her body, she's just very cautious of new people. She's actually pretty sweet once you get to know her." She nods with a smile. "Anyways, meet us there at around nine, okay?" Her hand reaches out to run down my hair before leaving. After a while of shredding unimportant mail, I go back up to my apartment. The hallways seemed empty and quiet and I almost expected to see Harry there, but he wasn't.

Of course, he had a life of his own although I wondered if he'd be there tonight at he restaurant. I mean, he'd have to be right? They are his friends. I realized I was hovering on my door when the door to apartment 368 was shuffling to unlock. I almost expected Harry to step out, but I saw a woman carrying a box on her hip. She looked tired, she wore jeans and a loose grey t-shirt and her blonde hair was up in a messy bun.

As she was struggling to lock the door behind her, an item fell to the floor from the overflowing box. "Oh, here." I quickly say, reaching down to retrieve the item she dropped which happened to be a small box, almost like a jewelry box. When I stood back up, she looked at me briefly before looking away.

"Thank you." She says, retrieving the item from me and putting it back in the box. As she did so, I saw bruising marks on her forearms. I found it odd, yet I knew I couldn't ask or say anything since I didn't know this woman.

"You're welcome." I say, a small smile on my lips but she only walks off.

"Do you know who lives in 368?"

"Just someone Harry's sleeping with."

Was she the woman Harry goes in there to see almost every day? Well, not everyday now since I haven't really seen him around here for a while. She looks like she was moving out, and by the looks of her puffy eyes I could tell she had been crying. Maybe they broke up? Wait, Harry doesn't date. Why the hell am I even involving myself in this? Oh, yeah, I enjoy drama when it has nothing to do with me.

As I go inside my apartment, my laptop rings with an incoming FaceTime call from William and I quickly run to answer, putting on a wide grin as he comes on my screen. "Hi!" I say, not bothering to hide my excitement.

"Oh, it's so nice seeing your face, I miss you so much you don't even know." He groans. "I'm in bed as you can tell, I couldn't sleep until I gave you a call. What have you been up to?"

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