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hi my name is Marinette Martha Wayne Cheng. I am daughter of Bruce Wayne and Sabine Cheng. I am 16 years old. my life was pretty great 3 years ago until a pathological liar came along spilling lies. when I pointed out her lies she turned my whole class against me in one day. but I still have my real friends who didn't believe anything she said. I have Nino, juleka , Luka, Kagami and Chloe. Nino is my childhood friend so he believed me same as Chloe, she changed and said sorry to me I immediately forgave her because she was jealous as she said. its been 4 years till I have become ladybug and 3 years since I am the guardian. I took chats miraculous back including making him forget about everything and I was surprised to find that chat was Adrien . I gave my each friend a miraculous making them permanent as they are the real holders of the miraculous. chloe had the bee miraculous but changed her persona and is known as princess honey, kagami got the dragon miraculous and is known as dragonese, Luka has the snake and is known as viper. juleka has the tiger and is known as tigress. nino has turtle and is known as protector. we all know each others identity's since 2 years and work together like a team ,we are called team miraculous. my parents don't like me because they believed a liar over her own daughter and by parents I mean tom and sabine. I have never met father bruce in person but we always talk on phone. he doesn't know about the situation here but sabine gave my custody to him and is sending me live with him. I am also mdc , nettie and Marianne a very famous model. so I am super rich but my parents don't know about it. right now I am packing my bags to leave France tomorrow.

MARINTTE MARTHA DUPAIN CHENG WAYNE  Where stories live. Discover now