Then we have Gauche, he uses mirror magic and you can remember him as the Sister complex and he has brown hair, I'll call him Sister complex.

Then we have Gordon Agrippa, it's more like he is a living mimo but with the difference that he can whisper, I'll call him "the whisperer".

Then we have Charmy she looks like a kid but she isn't, she has food magic and because of that she eat a lot and I mean A LOT, "the eater".

The obese one is Grey that has transforming magic and he talks only when he trasforma in others, 'I feel like this isn't her/his true form',I'll call him "The shy one".

No one POV

Asta:"Hi everyone my name's Asta and this is my brother Liebe"

Asta(Serious):"Let me warn you on something, prejudicate him without knowing him and I'll personally beat your ass"

The black bulls (expect Yami) :'Is he serious?'

Asta:"Liebe stop hiding and come out"

Liebe after he got out of the grimoire (nervous/worried): "Hi, my name's Liebe and like you see I'm a demon and this is my big brother Asta, I hope we can get along."

Magma:"If you show u-"

Magma:"Wait aren't you kids?"

Asta:"We won the deal imposed on by captain Yami and now for 5 years me and Liebe we'll be training with the captain's of every squad"

Magma:"Holy crap you won a deal with captain Yami but how you're just two kids..."

Asta:"Well even if Captain Yami was suppressing is true power we managed to hit him on the cheek and with that we impressed him"

Black bulls:'Holy shit just how strong will those two be in the future?'

Yami:"Hey kids, take these", Yami trows at Asta and Liebe the black bulls cape.

Vanessa:"Hey kid let me do something"

Vanessa with her magic designs a black bull on Asta bandana.

Asta:"Thanks Vanessa, but may I ask you to put some clothes on? I don't want you to be confused for a pedophilic"

Vanessa(smiling): " Alright kid, if it's for a kid I'll do it"

Asta:'For a kid, interesting, I'll make sure to get that sick abit of drinking out of you Vanessa, just you wait"

Asta:"Thanks Vanessa!"

Yami:"Hey kid, it's time to train, let's go"

Time(9 am) Place (forest near the black bulls base)

Yami:" Now I'll teach you how to use ki but first I'll tell you what to do to use it.
You'll need to use all the five senses and not only one of them,so now I'll send you two magic attacks and with closed eyes you'll need to learn how to use ki"

Asta/Liebe (both closing their eyes):" Bring it on/Come on"

*Asta is without sword while Liebe is with the Demon Destroyer*

Yami: "Dark magic lightless slash"

Liebe:'One two three, now!"
Liebe cut the attack while Asta evades it two seconds before it hit him.

Yami kicking both of them:"You can't fool me, you used only your earing, now you better surpass your limits or I'll kill both of you"

Asta and Liebe(closing their eyes while smiling):"Yes sir, right now we'll surpass our limits!"

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