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  I wake up and stretch out. I make sure there's no one watching me and I use telekinesis to get a glass of water from the sink in the hospital.

        We've been here for three days now recovering slowly. I had to come up with the wildest story in order for us to be cared for. My version went that we were shot at while driving along the highway and we ended up crashing. It was all part of a botched robbery that went to hell when we refused to hand over money. When we crashed, the perpetrators took off and we didn't get a good look at them. I took a bullet for Noto and the other passengers were injured in the crash. 

        This is the story that I told Agent Noto to go by as we were on our way. I put some bad dents in the vehicle with my mind so that people would buy our story. I told him to use false names because we didn't know if we're being followed. We drove up and pretended to act as injured as possible.

        The doctors and nurses were skeptical at first, but seeing Blake in that condition had them rushing him off to surgery. They put me under anesthetic to remove the bullet and fortunately I didn't have any nightmares. It was the first peaceful sleep that I had had in a long time. Once I was in recovery. The nurse told me that Noto was being treated for whiplash and minor burns. Blake, whose name was now Andrew and the man we decided to call Michael were stable but were still unconscious. Their wounds had been tended to and should make a full recovery if they wake up.

        I was put in a room with Blake and the other guy. I've spent most of the time disobeying the doctor's orders about laying down to rest and clutching Blake's hand. I wanted my face to be the first one he saw when he opened those beautiful chocolate brown eyes. I constantly whispered to him and told him he was safe now. I don't know how long he was in that hellhole or how much torture he went through, the important thing is he was here and alive. I would never leave his side as long as he was asleep.

        I also spent the last few days trying to figure out who was the guy we rescued from the base. He had no identification on him or any distinguishing features. I even tried to look in the hospital's computer for a missing person's report. Nothing. Whoever snatched him up made sure no one missed him.

        But tonight I'm going to have to figure out a new plan. I need to go get my chest, which I hid on the outside of New Mexico and try to track the Garde down. They could be anywhere now, it's been a few days and they are experts at hiding. I just need to let them know that we'll be together soon and we will end this war. 

        I leave Blake's side for a bit and go to the window. The moon is now waning into a crescent and the stars are burning brightly. I hold my pendant in my hand and I look up.

John, Number Nine, Number Six, Seven and the rest of you out there. Stay together and stay safe. We will find you. I am Number...

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