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The dust is gathering in my eyes and the beading sweat on my face is mixing with the grime, making a cakey substance clinging to my face. The entire base seems to be collapsing under our feet. We're weaving through tomb like halls as rubble is caving in around us. We shove past a few people, seemingly fleeing from the chaos and not caring that one of the agents is helping the "enemy". If the Garde are here, they must be pretty powerful to be able to bring down one of the most secure bases in the world.

"Which way is out?" I scream over another round of gunfire. Agent Noto stops and scans. I can tell he's anxious to turn me over, but he has to carry out his part of the deal first. He re-adjusts the body on his shoulders and wipes sweat from his brow. My heart begins to beat faster and I squeeze Blake to make sure he's okay. His breath is soft and shallow, I need to get him above ground as soon as possible.

        Suddenly there is a deafening roar. The earth underneath us is cracking and I'm practically knocked off my feet, but I smash my fist into the ground to stay planted. Noto also struggles to stay upright so I reach out with my mind and try to steady him. I try to use my mind reading to find the exit, but it's hard to concentrate. Another roar is heard and I look up. A wall of flames is finding its way down the hall, devouring everything in its path.

        I have seconds to act. I jump towards Noto and push him off to the side. I cover all the bodies with myself and brace for the heat. I squeeze my eyes shut and hold my breath.

        The heat is intense and I can almost feel my skin bubbling and boiling. I start thinking about my family, Anali, Grandma, Grandpa, Annie and the boy with brown hair. Tears are welling up in my eyes and I let a strangled scream escape my lips.

        The heat lasts a few minutes at least. I don't know if I've felt pain like this, don't even know if I'm in pain anymore. I can hear Noto's heavy breathing and at this point, I think he's crying. The heat is probably getting to him too. I'm too anxious to read his thoughts, but we lock eyes for a moment. What I can see is shocking, I can see fear, like genuine fear. He seriously scared that he is going to die and from what I've read from his mind, he has a wife and son at home. He can see into my blue eyes and I feel something with him. It's unusual, almost like...

        The burning light begins to fade a bit and the heat became less intense, but I hear another racket, I look up. The ceiling was crumbling to rubble, it would take only a few seconds for it to cave in.

"Get up!' I scream. I shove the agent to his feet and hobble towards the closest exit. I pull Blake up on my tender shoulders and push through the intense heat. The entire hall is basically large piles ash with a litter of the sturdy metal doors that are completely fried, the roof was blackened to a crisp and about to give in. It looks like a mass of Mogadorians had met an untimely end in the inferno, but I can't tell which ash is which. I charge through and reach the closest door. The smoke and flames have made me sick and weak, but I pound my fist against the door. Nothing, my strength is fading fast but for Blake, I need to push it. 

"Help me!" I say to Noto.

I try to muster the last bit of adrenaline my body has and strike the door. Again nothing.

"Watch out!" I hear behind me.

        Noto is coming at me. I duck, thinking he's about to kill me, I'll push him away with my telekinesis. If I'm going to die it won't be at the hands of a selfish, cruel...


I look up. Noto's taken a Mogadorian cannon and is trying to break the door down. 

"Here," I say and turn steel. I push every ounce of strength I have left and charge at the door.


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