Feelings of the Past

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The blond released another sigh, inwardly cursing himself for his mistake. She was never meant to look like that. Her eyes were never meant to look at him with hurt - Erwin had made sure of that ever since they were kids. 

How ironic that he was now the cause of it. 


The morning sun peered over the city of Mitras, teeming with buzzes of civilian chatters across the streets, shops and daily businesses going over their usual routine. A carriage pulled by a horse softly trotted down the asphalt ground in a normal pace, and a few meters behind the ride was a lone figure with studious eyes glued on it. 

Isanna had been following the carriage ever since she caught a glimpse of Nicholas Lovof ride on it earlier when he had stepped out of the gates of his estate. She followed his carriage until it eventually stopped in front of an unguarded entrance that led deeper below the ground, the steps becoming more dim as it stretched below, and it took the girl a few seconds to realize that it was actually an entrance to the Underground City. 

Why are there no guards? 

The carriage door opened, and as if having heard her, a man with greying hair of old age stepped out of the shadows below the steps of the entrance and stood beside the carriage door; he turned back to the direction where he came from - and Isanna saw it. She saw them. 

The underground trio they were soon going to catch in a few days. 

Isanna's brows quirked up in interest at the conversation they seemed to be having, but because she was at a considerable distance across the street hidden beneath the shadows of the alleyway, she couldn't make out their words. 

Discretely, the girl peeked to her left and right, before casually walking a few steps away from the carriage. When she was finally a few meters away, she dashed across the street and through a dark alley, rounding the corner and stealthily crept nearer in a slight crouch in the slither of space between the shed that housed the underground entrance and the wall of the building next to it, making sure Lovof and the other man couldn't see her. 

 "There are two things I'll have you do for me."

Isanna paused and stayed in her position as she heard Lovof's gruff voice. 

He really did have a mysterious rendezvous, just as Erwin had suspected. The girl shook her head at the unnecessary thoughts that followed after the said blond flashed in her mind; she needed to focus on the current task at hand.

"First, you'll obtain a certain document which is in the possession of Erwin Smith." 

"And secondly," Isanna heard him pause and order his next line with a venomous tone laced with fury in his voice, "to kill the Survey Corps' squad leader, Erwin Smith. Those are your jobs."

The raven's hands automatically balled in fists, her eyes narrowing into sharp slits at Nicholas' order to kill, but managed to quell her boiling blood. In a few minutes, she heard the sound of a door carriage slamming shut followed by the galloping of horse hooves, and then, the distant echoing of footsteps fading below the underground entrance.

After checking to make sure that the coast was clear, Isanna finally stepped out of the shadows, throwing a side glance at the steps that led deep below. 

She needed to let Erwin know of Nicholas' plan.

Isanna stood in front of the door to Erwin's temporary office, her mind debating whether she should wait until later evening to relay to him what she had heard after tailing Nicholas Lovof, or if she should just suck it up and tell him now. 

A Promise (An Attack on Titan Fanfic: Erwin Smith)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora