Chapter 1

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Trump's POV

He had known Trisha for a while now. He didn't really know what their relationship was but he knew what he wanted it to be. He was in complete love with her. Not only did they share a love of paint, but she was HOT in Donald's eyes. He wanted to get into her pants so bad. He figured he should try to slowly grow their relationship into something more. So he invited Trisha over.

"Heyyyyy 'Don Don'!" She exclaimed as she walked in the front door. Donald felt butterflies in his chubby ass.
"Hi Trisha," he said. He wanted to say something that sounded more passionate but he was too insecure.
"So what do you want to do today?" Trisha asked as she made little confused expression with with her eyebrows.
"I was thinking maybe we could paint something?" Donald said as he covered his lips with his fingers because he was embarrassed because his mouth looks like a cat's ass.
"Huh?" Trisha asked, she hadn't heard what he said because he was covering his face. Donald asked again but still not loud enough.
"Whät?" She asked. Donald knew he had to build up enough courage to say it louder. So he stood tall and let his cat ass speak up.
"We should paint something," he said loud and clear.
"Oh.. hehe ok," she said.

After about two hours of them painting, laughing, sharing stories, and shitting themselves Trisha had to go home.
"Goodbye Trish!" Donald said with so much more confidence then he had had earlier that day.
"Peace out 'Don Don'," Trisha said.
Donald felt like he was going to dry heave yellow bile into the nearest trash can but at the same time he felt so happy and cheery. He had a good feeling as he went to bed that night thinking about Trisha.

Author: Sorry this was really short but it was mostly just an introduction.

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