31 // I'll Be Back

Start from the beginning

"Harry Edward, no." I say, continuing to walk away.

"Look at me!" he raises his voice, grabbing both my hips and pulling me back against him. I yelp and fall back against his chest.

"You're going to tell me who was on the phone and what the hell happened. You're acting so weird." he turns me to face him.

"It was my mom!" I shout. First person I could think of.

"Then what did she say to make you act like this? You're acting really weird and this isn't the London I love and want to marry some day." asshole.

"Nothing! It was basic mother daughter conversation! Get off my back, man!" I shove his hands off my hips and walk away.

"The fuck are you saying! When did you start calling me man, woman?" he yells after me, following me into the music room he has.

"Go away, Harry! I don't want to talk right now!" I shout, pushing at his shoulder to get away from me.

Calum is fucking with my head. I can't have Harry all up in this shit.

"London please! Don't push me!" he scoffs, looking at me like my hands are on fire and I just touched him.

"Then get the hell out of my face!" I scream, walking into the next room and upstairs. I just really need to be alone. I can't do this right now.

"Get out of my house!" he shouts, pointing to the front door. Fucking bastard.

"It's my house too, Harry! And I was already planning on going it!" I storm upstairs, slamming the bedroom door closed. I go through the closet and pick out a simple outfit, quickly changing before he can come in.

I grab my keys and run downstairs past Harry who was tugging at his hair, pacing around the house

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I grab my keys and run downstairs past Harry who was tugging at his hair, pacing around the house.

"Where are you going?" he says just as I leave the threshold. I flip him off from behind me and continue walking to my car. "London!" He calls after me but I keep walking.

I get in the car and slam the door shut, turning on the car. That went from 10-100 real quick. I bang my head on the steering wheel, letting out a loud, annoyed groan.

Every time we fight, it's over something stupid. I hate when we fight, it shatters my heart that I have to be mad at him, but I can't help it. He's just so arrogant sometimes of others feelings. He thinks he's a know-it-all and can fix anyone's problems with a song, but I've lived with him since I was 18 and I know that this is not how it's going to be fixed.

It's not that I don't trust him to fix my feelings, I love the poor man to death, but he isn't going to understand a single thing if I told him about the call. Then he would want to get police and lawyers involved to protect us, when it's just a big hassle. And I don't want to worry him. I mean, he is writing a new album and I know to never ever get in the way of Harry and Mitch while they are writing because they're stressed as hell and would probably beat you if you suggested something after they already chose another thing.

I pick my head up and see Harry sprinting out the door while pulling on a hoodie from the cold January weather.

I roll down my window as he comes to the car door. "Harry, get in the house. Now. I don't want to be around you right now." I say. He reaches through the window and grabs my hand, bringing it to his heart. I can feel it beating through his chest.

"I'm sorry. Please don't go. I want you here." he says, pressing his soft lips to my hand.

"I don't want to be here." I mumble, pulling my hand back. I don't even dare to look up because I know the look on his face will shatter me.

I just don't want to be around him. He makes me feel so anxious sometimes and I just wish I could have some space when I need it. Then there's days when I need need him. I need him to calm down, to breathe, to sleep, to basically function I need Harry.

"Oh my God you're not coming back are you? You're going to go run to Italy with Louis or some shit!" he gasps. I can't tell if he's joking or not.

"Harry." I say, slapping my face. God this man is so dramatic and for what.

"No! You've always been a Liam girl! I'll beat his ass if he even touches you!" He must be going actually crazy. I take this as my que to get out of the car finally and stand in front of him. I grab his face and make him look me in the eyes.

"Liam has a fiancé. I have a boyfriend. I'm not running to Italy with any of your mates." he lets out a shaky breath, resting his forehead on mine. "I'm just going to go out for a while, ok? I'll be back for dinner. I love you."

"I love you too. You're coming back?" he asks again for reassurance, pulling his face back so he can see my expression.

"I'm coming back. I call you when I'm on my way." I peck his lips and get back in the car. He watches me back out of the lane and out of the neighborhood. I call Maya and she answers quickly.

"London! Hey queen." she spends a lot of time on TikTok.

"Hey, I'm not at the house right now, do you want to go hang out somewhere? Invite Gi maybe?" I ask, already driving to her and Liams place.

"Zayn said their going to their first ultrasound, but I'm free. We could get lunch and come back to mine and make cookies or something?" she says excitedly. I smile and tell her I'll be there soon.

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