Double Trouble!

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''Oho its the pretty boy Mr. Kageyama, its a pleasure to meet you'' Said the brown haired man who Tobio was not able to recognize. ''Ah um sorry, I have failed to recognize you..'' Tobio replied slightly embarrassed at the fact that the brunette knows him and he did not. ''No problem! Myself Oikawa Tooru, the youngest son of Fuji Oikawa. 

You must recognize my father for being the famous actor in the drama 'Demon'  '' The brunette replied with a smile. ''Oh the amazing actor that won the best actor of the year award last year! So your his son. It's a pleasure to meet you'' Tobio said after finally understanding. ''The pleasures mine'' Oikawa said while shaking Tobio's hand in greeting. 

''Oh Kageyama-kun, long time no see!!''

''Oh my god! Iwaizumi-san, How are you?'' Tobio asked while hugging the older teen tightly. ''I am good man, what about you? Still doing the fashion thing?'' Iwaizumi asked, ''I am good, and of course I am not gonna leave my passion'' Tobio replied while smirking.

''Ah the king is back, I see''

Tobio turned to see Tsukishima with Kindaichi and Kunimi behind him who were both giving soft smile's along with Tsukishima. ''Kei, Akira and Yuu! Holy shit, ya'll go to the same school?!'' Tobio asked, ''yup we all go to the same school and now your finally joining too'' Said Yamaguchi with a smile. ''Glad to know that there are people who I know in the school'' I said while smiling and looked at all of them as a whole.


''Miwa-ni shut up'' Tobio huffed and pouted. ''Alright alright, enjoy. I am going to talk to a few business men, Hinata take care of my brother'' She said while walking away. ''Okay Miwa-san'' yelled Hinata, ''Oh my god I am not a baby'' Tobio said annoyed a bit. ''Oh no, you are babyama'' Said Suga with a cheeky smile.

 Everyone started laughing as Tobio pouted again, then someone ruffled his hair from behind. Tobio turned to see a grey haired teen, he looked like the blonde hair man but instead he had grey hair. ''Heya there Mr. Kageyama, I'm Osamu Miya, the son of Yuta Miya. The owner of the worldwide popular Japanese restaurant 'Onigiri Miya'  '' The one named Osamu said. ''Nice to meet you, uh don't mind if I ask. But do you have a sibling or somethin'' Tobio asked as curiosity got the best of him.

Osamu snickered along with the men behind who they introduced as Suna, Kita, Aran and Akagi. ''I have a twin brother, he is over there. See the piss haired dude, his name is Atsumu the older Miya and he has a shitty personality''. Tobio giggled at that when a squawk of protest was heard from the blonde from the other side of the room. 

''Geez Tsumu-chan, chill out. He is telling the truth'' Said Oikawa with a smirk but was soon hit on the head by Iwaizumi who said ''Tch Crappykawa, you have the same personality''. As Tobio's attention was turned to the two he did not notice Atsumu coming closer. ''Mr. Kageyama, do ya mind if I call ya by your first name!'' Said Atsumu with a smirk, ''I was about to say that. Everyone please call me Kageyama or Tobio, whatever you like'' replied Kageyama. 

''Alright Tobio-kun'' ''Mk Tobio-chan'' Said both Oikawa and Atsumu together.

'Tobio-kun and Tobio-chan!?? Hold on I did not sign up for the shit' Thought Tobio with a confused face. The said two glared at each other after the exchange. ''That's enough of Tobio for all of you! Come on Kageyama-kun, lets go meet 'Kusa-san shall we'' Said Hinata. ''No need for that, cause your 'Kusa-san is here with Motoya'' said Motoya while walking towards the group with Sakusa who looked annoyed af.

 ''Woah I did not expect you to come to the party 'Kusa-san'' said Kageyama with a shocked face. ''I was not gonna come but well I was dragged'' replied Sakusa with a frown. ''Kiyoomi did say he did not want to come but when I said that Tobio is coming, he finally gave in. After all our son has come after so many years back from Italy'' Said Motoya. ''Its just been 1 year Motoya-san'' Tobio replied. ''And he is not your son'' said Suga, Daichi and Iwaizumi at the same time. ''I-''

We were only three∼ Atsumu x Kageyama x OikawaWhere stories live. Discover now