What if I move my face closer to the pot and blow, that will surely work.....Wowwww I'm so smart.

So, I quickly move my face closer to the pot and try to blow one last time before I raise my hand above the pot and try to gather all my strength before I can push the milk down.

"Sorry for taking so long, I couldn't find........AURORA!!!", he screamed before running and closing the stove.

I felt tears fill my eyes when I heard him call me by my name and not Sunshine.

I had really made Dami mad this time but why was he mad at me?


"From now on you are going nowhere near the stove, am I clear?", he said sternly as I couldn't stop the small sob escaping my mouth.

"I SAID AM I CLEAR?", He demanded angrily.

I nod slowly as tears start to flow freely from my eyes.

"Words, Aurora"

" Y-Yes", I finally whispered softly as he finally pulls me to his chest and hugs me tightly.

"Good, you don't know how scared you made me! Next time you don't know something, you tell me, okay?!", He said and he placed many kisses on my head as I cried softly.

"Shh sunshine, I really didn't mean to sound so rude. I just don't want anything to happen to you...",he said and his voice cracking in the end, almost like he was about to cry.

"Now you just sit here, I'll go and make your hot chocolate.", he said quickly turning away from me before I could even see his face.

After a few minutes of waiting, Dami finally comes with 2 big mugs of hot chocolate.

I quickly take my mug from him and thank him softly.
"Umm... How's the weather outside?", I blurted out without thinking, trying to break the deafening silence.

I felt my cheeks slowly turn red when I realized what a stupid question I asked!

Really! That's all you could come up with? You're dumb!

Taking a sip of his hot chocolate, he looked at me weirdly.

Why am I so Dumb!!

Kill me, please kill me. I just want this earth to swallow me right now.

"I mean- weather outside.... meaning outside weather..... beautiful right...", I rambled before taking a huge sip of my hot chocolate to shut my dummy self.

"Are you alright sunshine? Do you feel unwell? Is it because of the incident early??.......I knew you might have got hurt! I should have checked properly", he said worriedly before quickly getting up and checking my temperature with his hand then searching my left hand for any wounds.

I couldn't help but giggle at his cute behavior.

I slowly run my right hand in his soft hair still giggling, and He instantly caught my hand before giving me a small glare.

I guess he doesn't like people touching his hair.

I pout sadly as I look down at my lap.

He sighed, and placed his head on my lap.

"You can touch my... hair. Just stop pouting", he said as he gently guides my hand to his hair.

I slowly ran my hand through his hair and I giggle a bit on how soft it was.

I look down as I run my hand through his hair only to see him smiling up at me.

Running my hand again through his hair again but this time I quickly ruffled his hair messily.

He screams and tries to get away from me only to lose his balance and fall on the floor.

Few giggles escaped from my mouth at his cute reaction.

After a few moments still giggling, I quickly go and try to help him up only for him to pull my straight down making me fall right on top of him.

This made me only giggle more, and I tried to mess with his hair again.

Suddenly, I felt Dami's hand tightly grip my waist and before I know, I was under him.

»»------- ♡ -------««

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