Age of Reflection

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A sudden shock to the rogue's wrist caused Eniro to clam up before he could finish. This pain came out of nowhere, and the flaring feeling that shot into his body did more than enough to catch him off guard.

"Ack! W-what the hell!?"

He grabbed his wrist and tried to steady himself as the pain began to grow in volume across his entire hand, making Eniro stumble a bit before he lost his balance and fell to his knees. It was like an invisible weight had been placed onto him, and the feeling continued to grow heavier and heavier upon his body. The pain persisted for what felt like then minutes; then hours, then days...It wouldn't go away for what felt like an eternity.

"Y-You...What did you do!?"

The royally dressed figure took small steps toward Eniro, cracks in the ground starting to form along the crystalline path they walked. As they got closer, the area around the boy grew darker, all the while silence started to set it yet again. The pain stayed, the weight persisted, but the sounds of breaking glass and small footsteps slowly faded from Eniro's ears into a sea of endless nothingness once again.

That's when they spoke.

"Are you ready to leave behind your past? Or will you fight for them again, and again?"




"AH! FUCK!...Huff...Huff..."

Another nightmare. It was 2 in the morning, and Eniro was certain he had woken up someone with his scream. Himself, Dariya, Cyprus, and Stryker had been appointed a plot of land within Ishgardian territory, being given the home as something of a thank-you gift for their efforts at the Crystal Tower. Eniro for one was still adjusting to the new commodity, and hadn't had much time on his hands to take it all in as he's been trying his best to keep up with the other three through training. However, that final question the girl asked sprung into his mind yet again.

Was he ready to throw away his past? What past? And did he even deserve this second chance that Cyprus happened to bless him with? He didn't have to help Eniro out. The boy got lucky.

"...What the hell am I doing?"

Tears started to brim the corners of his eyes, causing him to cover his face with both hands and try to keep his sobbing to a minimum. Eniro knew he didn't deserve this kindness. Not any bit of it.

27th Sun
Second Astral Moon
8:26 AM
Mia Khetto's Amphitheater

Over the centuries and centuries that man has walked the planet, the act of giving praise to one's self had become commonplace in modern society. Through this, some of the world's greatest minds would forge paths towards their own future, those having paved the way for these scholars and academicians being simple commonfolk giving them the hope and belief they needed during that time. Though some may believe that these pioneers of days past acquired their stature through luck or underhanded means, all they needed during that moment to begin their journey was belief. And believing was the only thing on the minds of those within the City-State of Gridania.

Having regained its bountiful atmosphere thanks to the return of Kan-E-Senna, residents and travelers alike flocked to Gridania with ailing worry and erratic praise. The Seedseer only had Stryker to thank for the fact that she could stand before those who cherished her, but soon came to notice that the man in question hadn't even arrived. Or at least not yet, she thought.

"Firstly, I wish to speak on the behalf of the man who saved me from the clutches of the one that held me captive. I've made many a stride to give him his much-deserved front here alongside me, but as it stands, it would seem he hasn't made much of an effort to arrive."

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