Sing me to sleep

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My fingers lightly brush against the guitar strings as I end the last note of the song Zombie by The Cranberries. Till eight in the evening, I stay editing my video, and other videos which I'll upload later on, and check if there are any errors but the cover seems to be done so good. Not to mention, one of my favourite covers so far!

Since I was little, my passion has always been singing and playing guitar. As a child, singing and playing the instrument seemed all fun and games till years flown by and my hobby became my escape from reality. It has become my big dream to be a singer and play in front of thousands of people, though the only step I can take at the moment is publishing small videos of myself on this well-known site called YouTube, doing song covers of the artists that I love.

Thing is, I've never showed my face. Whenever I do a video, I always record from my collar bones down. Also, I keep my hair tied up so it won't show. I'm not comfortable yet to appear in front of people so I'm taking baby steps till maybe one day I decide to do face reveal.

After uploading the video on Youtube, my mum has come into my room to bring me attention that the food is ready on the table. I get up and leave everything to go and eat the delicious meal my mother has made for the two of us.

We sit down and gratefully eat the pasta in silence when my mum decides to fill the void by asking a question.

"Been doing a song?"

I nod and toss some food to chew on. My mother smiles at me before looking down at her plate.

"I loved it" she takes a sip of the water from the glass. "So, any news from this guy 'Corpse?'"

I try to surpass my smile but I keep failing. "He likes my videos but that just it"

"What does he do exactly? Remind me"

I tap the glass of water against my chin. "Songs and playing Among Us which is a game. He does live stream sometim-"

"Why don't you join?"

I'm taken aback by my mum's words.

"Don't look at me like that. Go ahead and join. You love games and you've always said you wanted to talk to him"

I press my lips together and think. After we eat, I go back to my room to play my guitar when suddenly I get a notification of a reminder that Corpse is streaming live, playing Drunk Among Us. I raise an eyebrow but a smile cracks on my lips.

I put the guitar aside and download the game to log into it. I hear voices talking over other voice that I can't seem to catch up on who is who. It's like I've entered into a chaotic world but full of laughter.

A guy seems to notice me when he cuts everyone off to his awareness. "Guys! Looks like we have a new guest!" The guy under the name Toast says. "B-Boo...cover?"

By the looks of it, they're already drunk.

"H-Hi. It's Booklover22 but you can call me (Y/N)" I reply shyly.

Everyone says hello back to me and mumble random words to one another.

"You drinking something (Y/N)?"

My eyes go wide. Corpse just asked me a question and called me by my name!

I take deep breathes to calm myself down and answer without hesitation. "I just took....water" I want to slap myself. Everybody bursts out laughing by my comment like it's a hilarious joke they've never heard in their lives.

"Girl, get some alcohol and join us!" Rae laughs.

"Hold on" I quickly bounce up the bed and go straight into the kitchen. To my luck, my mum is in the living room, hooked by the TV so I grab some Martini and a glass of wine and head back to my room. I pour some into the glass before putting my headphones on.

Corpse x Reader (Halloween One-shot & more)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat