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   "Y/n you can't let him do this!" Mina looked at me with pleading eyes, the other victims of Shota's scarf following suit.

I smiled apologetically, "Sorry Ashido, I have no power over this."

"Seduce him!" She called as both she and the others were pulled away.

"That's very inappropriate!" I called back sticking out my tongue, "I hope you have a terrible time!"

I turned my attention back to the other students who were listening to the end of the Pussycat's instructions.

The rules of the game were simple, Class B would be the scarers and Class A would be the scarees. The students of Class B would have to hide out and scare Class A with their quirks, or as Tiger put it 'piss their pants'.

The students were excited at the idea that they were going to be able to use the quirks they'd been training for the past few days.

Each student drew lots to determine who their partners would be, Midoriya was the only person without a partner and seemed slightly put off by it.

"Hey broccoli boy, there's nothing wrong with not having a partner."

"I'm all alone." He said in a worried voice.

"Yes, but doesn't that mean that you have a better opportunity to work solely on your quirk?"

"I mean, I guess?"

"You've got this kid." I smiled.

He still looked a little dejected, but at least he seemed a bit more positive about the situation.

Every few minutes a new duo would be sent into the forest and not long after we started to hear screams coming from the trees.

About 13 minutes had passed since Class 1-B was sent into the forest and nearly 1 minute since the fifth pair, Uraraka and Tsuyu, had gone in.

"Don't you guys find that kind of creepy?" I looked back at the group of Pro-Heroes who just shrugged.

"That's the whole point of the exercise."

Screams echoed throughout the clearing before Pixie-Bob raised her head into the air and sniffed.

I looked at her quizzically, my senses immediately becoming more alert.

Was something wrong?

Then I noticed the black smoke, it was rising quickly and in waves, billowing into the air, light blue flecks rose up with them, casting an eerie glow over the tall canopy of trees. I'd been working with the students for the past few days and none of them exhibited a quirk with blue flames. There was Todoroki, but his flames were orange, not blue.

It didn't help that Pixie-Bob seemed so concerned with the smell.

Something was definitely not going to plan.

I looked around me and noted that there were still a number of students with us, but there were also students in the forest.

And they didn't have any of the pro-heroes with them.

What a great time for an ambush.

Our biggest priority was to get the students out of the Beats forest, I had a feeling that this was an ambush, but I couldn't be sure, although what I did know was that the woods were on fire, and there were kids in there.

I made myself more aware of my surroundings, looking to the other heroes who seemed to be doing the same thing.

A red light glowed around both Pixie-Bob and me, a strange feeling, engulfing my body as if being so close to a cat hero dressed in blue who stood next to me physically pushed away my body.

"W-what is this?" We both struggled against the force as Pixie-Bob was suddenly pulled toward the shrubs.

I, on the other hand, was flung in the opposite direction by that pushing force that was surrounding my body, as if Pixie and I were the north poles of two magnets repelling each other.

My back hit the solid trunk of a tree and I gasped as I felt the air leave my lungs from the sheer force of the

"Pixie-Bob! Y/n!" Mandalay shouted.

From my slumped position I could see Pixie laid on the ground, unconscious. A long pillar-like magnet was forcefully pressed against her head by a figure with long brown hair and shades, beside them stood a bootleg teenage mutant ninja turtle who wielded multiple swords.

I cursed my slow reaction. If only I'd acted faster and activated my quirk, I'd have been able to stop the villain from getting a grip on me and Pixie-Bob, whose blood was now trickling down her face.

I groaned and lifted my head, pushing myself up whilst using the tree as support.

Nothing's broken. I quickly confirmed to myself. I was just winded. Most definitely bruised, but I'm a hero, it's an occupational hazard.

The attack had confirmed my suspicions. Villains had entered the beast's forest, What for? I have no clue.

I pushed myself off the tree and sprinted back to the clearing, ignoring the aching in my back.

"Are you okay y/n?" Iida looked at me concerned.

I brushed him off with a curt nod and quickly scanned the clearing for any more villains. When concluding there were none I went to hurry back next to Mandalay, but I was stopped by her voice ringing through my head.

'I need you to get to the other students.'

I caught the corner of her eye and nodded.

They could handle this, I had complete faith in them. So now I needed to prove that their faith in me was not misplaced.

And it wouldn't be.

Not if I had anything to say about it.

Not if I had anything to say about it

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