Chapter 5: Depressed

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It's been about week since Korras death and Asami hasn't left her home since. Mako and Bolin and Opal have been trying to get her to leave her office but she just been in her emotions.

Opal: guys you guys go to the living room I'll talk to her
The brothers leave

Opal takes out a key and unlocks the door but doesn't see Asami but the door to her office bathroom light was on so she walked inside to see Asami in the tub sitting with bubble all around her and her head on the wall crying.

Opal: Asami...
Asami turns around to see Opal but turned away

Opal:Asami come on we're worried about I know it's gonna be hard for you and you might think your alone but your not we're here for you no matter

She goes to hug Asami but Asami didn't move

Asami: yes I am... I am alone.. Korra broke her promise...she said she'll be with me forever..and she...left me here alone always be here but you know she had to do it it's her job to protect Republic city I know it sound wrong and I hate to say it

Asami:she left me like my mom and lied to me like my dad...and abandoned me and her son and her daughter ...she broke her promise...and my heart..


Asami:just leave me alone...please

Opal sighs and leave Asami looks to the side but looks back but she touched the necklace Korra purposed to her with and started to cry


Opal made it downstairs to Bolin and Mako but with a sad face she shook her head and went to hug Bolin as his smile faded

Opal:she just needs more time to accept

Bolin:I know....

And then they leave but what they didn't know was Asami was in the window looking at them leaving

Asami goes to her bed then lays on her side But rubs her stomach through her shirt

Asami:it's us against the world now You two

Then once she said that she felt a kick

Asami for the first time in a week she smiled

Asami:there you are my little polar bears...I hope time goes by so I can finally meet you two...i bet your gonna be so strong just like me and your mama...your gonna be the sweetest and caring kids in the world and your not gonna let people put you'll be the most hyper active kids in republic city...just like your other mother....oh how I wish you two would have met her......
South Pole


"She hasn't been answering her radio in the last 6 days now I hope everything ok.....because I have a weird feeling about something.." I said

"Hey I'm sure she's ok,she probably just busy right now" Tonraq said putting his hand on mines

We were just sitting in our dining room when one of the guard ran in urgent

"Chief I'm sorry for the news I'm about to report"the guard said with a sad face

We looked at each other but looked back at him

"What's wrong" Tonraq asked worriedly

"We had just received a radioed message from the Sato estate that was recorded last week....from miss Asami Sato herself she has reported that...." He paused for a sec

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2023 ⏰

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