Father Son Bonding Time

Start from the beginning

"Tyler, There should be another bowl and bag of chips in the kitchen." Tylers dad said

Tyler goes into the kitchen to get the other bowl and the other bag of chips.

"Can you believe how fast our kids have grown up." My dad said to Caleb

"I still have a 9 and 11 year old." Caleb said

"You better enjoy it because they will be teens before you know it." My dad said to Caleb

"Will and Darcy are both going to sleep away camp for two weeks this summer." Caleb said

"Are they scared or excited to go to sleep away camp?" My dad asked Caleb

"Will is excited but Darcy is scared to be away from both of her parents for two weeks." Caleb said

"They are both going together so they should be okay." My dad said to Caleb

"I know that but Hanna is trying to convince Deylia to sign up to be a councilor in training for the two weeks that Will and Darcy will be there. She thinks that will really help Darcy feel more comfortable away from her parents for two weeks." Caleb said

Now the baseball game is about halfway over. Tyler and I are having a really good time. Watching a baseball game on TV is not as fun as playing in one but I still am having a good time. One of these days I would like to see an actual major league game at the actual ballpark and not just on TV.

"Dad, We are all out of root beer." Tyler said

"Go check the basement and see if we have anymore." Caleb said

Tyler went down the basement but there was no more root beer. Will and Darcy were down the basement watching a Disney movie with Hanna so they all said hi to Tyler.

"Did you find any down the basement?" Tylers dad asked

"No." Tyler said

"JT can take you in my car to get some." Caleb said and then he gave JT the keys to his car.

Tyler and I went to the grocery store. We bought some cans of root beer and another bag of chips since Tyler and I had already eaten almost all the chips that we had. We went back to Tylers house to watch the rest of the game. When the game ended Deylia got home from her afternoon with Branden and Kelsey. My dad and I went back home to spend the rest of the day with my family. The girls and my mom were home by the time we got home.

General POV

"Was everything okay with Rosies horse at the stables?" Toby asked Spencer

"Everything was fine. She was just a little shaken up." Spencer told Toby

"Rosie or the horse?" Toby asked Spencer

"The horse, Rosie was fine once she knew that her horse was okay." Spencer told Toby

"So do they know who broke into the stables last night." Rosie asked Spencer

"No but the police are on the case. Who ever it was did a good job of spooking the horses." Spencer said to Rosie

"I am glad that my horse is okay. I was really scared when you told me what happened." Rosie said to Spencer

"I know you were. You need to be extra nice to your horse the next couple times you see her." Spencer said to Rosie

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I hope that you enjoyed this chapter. Please Review or PM me with your Thoughts, Ideas, Suggestions, Questions, Predictions, or Anything Else that you would like to know. Also would you like longer chapters with new chapters posted 1 to 2 times a week or shorter chapters with new chapters posted 3 to 5 times a week? If you prefer I could do a mix of longer and shorter chapters. The next chapter will be up as soon as I write it. I am not sure what it will be about or what characters it will involve so send me your ideas.

Chapters and Characters coming up in the future

Chanel DiLaurentis and Coco DiLaurentis - A chapter about their high school graduation. Again if you do not want a spoiler then do not read the next sentence. They will have a graduation party at their house that gets a little out of hand.

Alex DiLaurentis-Fields and Enzo DiLaurentis-Fields - A chapter about their summer adventures. I have not planned this chapter yet so there will be more details to come. It will be a while before I get to this chapter since I still have to go through the rest of the current school year and the graduation of the high school seniors.

Will Rivers and Darcy Rivers - A chapter about their summer adventures. Will and Darcy will be going to sleep away camp for two weeks. It will be their first time away from their parents and that makes them a little hesitant to go.

Please continue to Review or PM me with the characters that you want to see in upcoming chapters and what you would like to see happen to them in upcoming chapters.


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