Is it a Love Letter?

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It was getting closer to the Yule Ball and I still had not got myself a date. I mean Hermione was trying to get me to go with Ron and Cedric Diggory asked me but there was only one boy I wanted to go with, but he was already taken by Pansy pug-faced Parkinson!
Myself, Ginny, Trixie, Cho and Luna where all going dress shopping after DADA, but I really was not sure if I really wanted to go.

I was making sure that my last sentence was clear with the instructions that Professor Snape had told us all to write down in our books, however, I was interrupted by a pice of paper hitting the back of my head.
As I unravelled the pice of paper that had been scrunched so many times, I read what was inside...

~Dear, Potter.
Please accept my invitation to the forest at 4:46.
From, D.M~

I really thought about whether or not I should go, I mean I knew who it was. I had been so upset these past couple of months about the break up and now Draco Malfoy had got my head in a twist again, wanting to speak to me in the forest.

After class I ran down to the forest as I told the girl's I would meet up with them later.
I could not see Draco anywhere. I was on my own, well so I thought...

There was two hands wrapped around my eyes and then he spoke. "Potter, I know you don't like me anymore, but I love you. I am in love with you. When I am with you I feel safe, myself and I am not scared to express myself to you. So will you do me the honours of going to the Yule Ball with me?" I turned around to face him and we smiled at each other, and that was the moment we both had been waiting for. Me and Draco kissed!

I was so happy that he was back with me, but I did not know what Pansy was going to think about this!

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