22° The blessed reasoning! Cure Reason is born!?

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Faith: Reaper is back! It's him! One of the bebes! He... attacked you!

Cure Smart: Haaaaaaah! *dashes and punches The Reaper frowning* What are you waiting for, Faith?! Do something!

Cure Intello, Cure Bon, Cure Logic, and Cure Professional: *fight*

Faith: (Think: I have to... hide!) *runs away from the explosions and stops in a dark corner*

(Think: Why can't I move?)

Reaper: *crytograms shown* *points at Cure Smart* (Translation: IT IS HER! The enemy I must end for good! Cure Smart, I'LL LEAD AND WOUND YOU TO YOUR DOWNFALL! I AM THE TRUE RULER OF ALL AND YOU ARE A NOBODY!)

Cure Smart: No, I won't be ended for good... *is sent flying by a ball of evil energy* Aaaaaah!!

Reaper: (Translation: Your intelligence will end!)

The other fights continue without her. Panic... It's spreading... They can't go further.)

Cure Professional: !!!!!!! Smart!

All but not Cure Smart: Oh no!

Faith: (Something needs to be done. I need to do... something.) *puts off fighting, crosses her hands, implore*

(Think: What can I do...?)

Cure Logic: *points at The Reaper and shouts with all her might* Baby turning attack!

The Reaper releases more attacks (mostly related to death), the Cures use their phantasm powers to turn it back to normal. Meanwhile, Faith tried to hit him with everything she's got.)

Faith: Yaaaaaaaah!

But it was ineffective. The Reaper attacked back, sending things out of literally NOWHERE.)

Faith: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *gets the hits, sacrifices herself* ..........

Cure Smart: Stop! Faith!!!!!!!!!!! Aaaaah!!!

Cure Intello: It can't be...

Cure Logic: No... N-No...!

Cure Smart: *runs to check her pulse*

Cure Bon: Is this really true...?! Is she dead...? A-Actually dead?!

Cure Smart: *cries* Faith, why...? Faith...

Her eyes tremble, then after some seconds she slowly and painfully closes them. She was absolutely scared and in sorrow, her face showed it. She was not used to this kind of situation, she had never seen a person die in front of her own eyes and grew very attached to her even if she only saw her not many times. She could feel the tears forming in her eyes, lost for words.)

Cure Professional: She was willing to stay with us and be our friend........ And now she's dead.....

Her voice kept breaking up.)


Cure Intello: F-Faith... *sobs*

A lot of screaming later.)

The Reaper: *uses all his power to attack the cures since they are crying and not fighting anymore*

All: *yelling*

The Reaper: *obliterated every single one of the Cures, all of them* I'll make mama proud now.

Faith: I am not.... dead....... I am still alive.... Yes.... I believe it....! All... the love... all of the prayers given to The Creator, they are not useless, on the contrary... But you... You wanted to and had to terrorize all my fellow angels... They all deserved to be happy!!! They were all happy!!! They do not deseve what you did!!! They were all so full of good will... The Creator might have been terrible but atleast... Atleast... I have to still believe in him... In life, there must be death... I admit... Even if I will die...! I AM INTELLIGENT!!! I WILL PROTECT EVERYONE'S HAPPINESS!!! I WON'T BE AFRAID ANYMORE AND WILL FIGHT!!! THIS IS FOR EVERYONE!!! EVERYTHING I SOUGHT!!! I SWEAR TO PROTECT THEM BY ALL MEANS!!!

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