"Not that I'm not glad to hear that, but what does that mean!?"

"I've never had a friend before, really. Not one that would spend this amount of time with me," Ishimaru hung his head down, watching his feet as they got ever closer to the door, "It's 'lame', but I sort of like spending time with you. Time studying, that is." Ishimaru himself was unphased, but Oowada was clearly caught off guard.

"I'm glad I can be a friend to you, then," he answered after a bit of silence. He realized that this was perfect. Perfect for avoiding detention, that was. Ishimaru was getting attached, so he had him in the palm of his hand. After finally reaching the library door, Oowada walked just a bit faster to open the door for Ishimaru. He didn't notice, but this time that small gesture made the hall monitor lose his composure. Just for a second.

They made their way to Ishimaru's - no, their usual spot in the library. Oowada lagged just a few moments behind as the other rushed to the table and placed the workbook down softly. It was a big workbook and Oowada hoped and prayed that they were only going to do a small portion of it. Some "x"s and "y"s and tacky looking letters were spread across the front cover in some attempt of an eye catching design.

"Alright, let's begin," Ishimaru said, already situated and cracking open the work book. "Oh, it starts off with what we learned in class today! This part should be easy for us." Oowada took his seat and once again stifled a groan or an eye roll, remembering that he spent the math lesson thinking about how the weekend might go.

He still caught on pretty quickly. Despite his bad grades, Oowada was very smart, he just didn't pay attention. So, they finished with the first section of the work book, but it couldn't have been more than a tenth of the entire book. It still took them a little over an hour to complete.

"Can't we stop here?" Oowada suggested, yawning before he continued, "we got our day together to figure the rest of this out. Plus, i'on wanna be in this school any longer." Ishimaru smiled, nodding as he shut the work book softly. They met each other's gaze right after and Oowada noticed the other's grin.

"'Our day'," Ishimaru repeated, blushing just a little, "yeah, I can't wait for 'our day'!"


Three hard, solid knocks could be heard as Oowada finally made it to the Ishimaru residence. They had agreed to start off 'their day' at 10am, but as the biker stepped foot on the "Welcome" doormat, the clock struck 10:10. Suddenly, the door swung open.

"Welcome!" Ishimaru greeted. Normally, he would be annoyed by tardiness, but he honestly didn't expect much of the guy in front of him. Oowada simply gave a small smile instead of any verbal greeting. He was obviously tired. "Woah man, are you alright?"

Oowada simply grunted as a 'yes' with a sardonic frown. Ishimaru stepped aside as the other made his way into their house. Despite his low energy level, he still took a second to look around at his surroundings. Both of his parents were out, presumably at work, and it was silent - a serene silence, though, as everything he could see was tidy and homely.

"I was expecting something totally stuck-up," Oowada said to himself quietly as Ishimaru made his way up a flight of stairs. "Yo, where you goin'?" Ishimaru turned around and gave him a puzzled look.

"My room," he said as if it was obvious, "where else?" Oowada shrugged. He expected Ishimaru to be the type to study at his dining room table, he just got the vibe. He followed with heavy footsteps after taking off his shoes and leaving them at the door.

My Moral Compass Points Straight to You (Ishimondo)Where stories live. Discover now