Chapter 1 - the beginning

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-izuku's POV (4 years old)-

it was July 15th, I was sound asleep dreaming about being the #1 hero but my dream was interrupted by the sound of an alarm going off "Izuku" I tossed and turned "Izuku wake up" the sweet sound of my mothers voice woke me up "Izuku we're going to be late" I opened my eyes, then I realised what day it was "Happy Birthday, Your a big boy now" a giant smile formed across my face "Get dressed and come downstairs for breakfast" I leaped out of bed and went straight for the wardrobe.

I got dressed into my favourite All Might shirt and and a pair of black pants "izuku you may want to hurry up if you don't want to be late!" I could hear my mum yelling at me to be quick "Coming!" I put a pair of socks on and ran down stairs, almost tripping but making it down "eat your food quickly" I grabbed the toast and ate it as fast as I could leaving a bunch of crumbs, I grabbed my shoes and sat in the car while putting them on.

"Let's go!!!" mum started driving to the quirk doctors. when we got there we were late so they said that we had to wait an hour before going in, I saw that they had a playground and mum said that I could go in it. I went inside the playground and saw three people playing together "Hey look another kid to play with!" I saw that a yellow haired kid was talking "Do you want to be our friend?!" a red haired kid walked up to me while smiling "Yes!!" I yelled in agreement.

we all introduced ourselves and decided to make nicknames for each other so we sat in a circle "How about Izu?" my eyes glistened with joy, we sat there for ages before deciding what names "So Kacchan, Bolts, Shark and Izu?" we all nodded our heads in excitement "why is my name Bolts?" I pointed to the bolt on his hair and he laughed. 

some lady walked into the room "Kiri baby we have to go see the doctor" the four of us pouted "After we see the doctor we can talk to there parents" we nodded and waved him goodbye and good luck. An hour had passed till they walked out, Shark ran straight towards us "I got a quirk!!" we all smiled and hugged him "Hey how about we make a rule?" we looked over at kacchan in confusion "If it turns out one of us doesn't have a quirk we will still be best friends and protect them" we all looked at each other and agreed.

"Boys can you show me to your mothers" we all walked out with Sharks mum and went to Kacchan's mum first "Mum" she looked at us "Did you make some friends?" Kacchan nodded "Best friends!" she smiled "Hi I'm Mitsuki Bakugou" they both shook each others hands "Hi I'm Kaeko Kirishima, this ones mother" she put her hand on sharks head, they talked for a bit and got each others numbers. the two mums and us four went to Bolts dad "Hey kiddo" his dad shook Bolts hair "What can I do for you" the two parents explained and got his number and he got theirs, he decided to stay at his seat and the rest of us went to my mum "Oh how may I help you" she looked at me with a mad look "Did he do something?" "No" she looked at them confused, they explained but my mum said no "Sorry but i'm not giving my phone number to some strangers" they both nodded and we went to walk away but my mum grabbed me "Izu!" the four said almost in sync "I will not let my son be near some strange adults" the other parents smiled "We were just going too sit down no need to be worried I think he just wants to play with our sons"

mum was hesitant but let me go, the four of us went back to the playground. the other three had been to the doctor and got their quirks "Izuku its go" mum grabbed my arm and dragged my to the doctors room. I got and Xray and was told to sit in the seat and wait. "Your quirkless" I was devastated and mum was mad. we walked out and I ran to the playground in tears "Izu!!" they yelled and hugged me "Whats wrong?" I was still crying "I-I'm Quirkless...." I said quietly "In that case. we will protect you and become the strongest hero's!!!" I smiled "I have to go..." we waved bye and I left with my mum "Mu-" "DON'T YOU DARE TALK TO ME" I flinched. We had been driving for over an hour now "Where are we going...." she sighed "YOUR going away and I will never see you again" I started crying.

the car stopped after 2 hours, she got out of the car and pulled me out with her. she rang the door bell of the place, a woman walked out with a young girl holding her hand "Hello, how may I help you" the lady looked at me "I want to put him up for adoption" she nodded and gestured mum to follow her "If I may ask. why do you want to put him up for adoption?" "he's quirkless" she nodded, she took us into a room with someone sitting in a chair "I will need his birth certificate and $6,000" mum nodded in agreement. she grabbed out my birth certificate from her purse and $6,000 from her wallet.

-Time skip-

it has been two years since my mum had put me in this orphanage, I didn't make any friends while I was here. I was sitting on my bed staring at the window when the lady that works here told all of us to stand in a line, I got up and stood next to some kids "You may come in now" a guy with black hair and a scarf around his neck walked in "one at a time I want you to say your name, age and quirk" all of the kids at the orphanage were older than me and had a quirk, "Izuku Midorya, 6, Quirkless" he walked up to me "How long have you been here" I looked at him "2 years" he looked at the lady and walked off.

it had been 30 minutes since he'd shown up, he walked back in with the adoption papers "Izuku"  I looked at him "Your now my son" I eyes showed so much joy "grab your stuff and lets go" since I didn't come with anything I didn't grab anything and just walked with him. it was a pretty quiet ride "we are just picking someone up then heading home" I just sat there looking out the window when I saw some kids that looked very familiar, I forgot that the person adopted me wasn't my mum "Mum look remember those kids?!" I pointed outside of the window into the park "Kid..." I realised that he wasn't my mum "sorry..." he stopped the car "would you like to play with them?" I smiled at him with excitement "Yes please!" we got out of the car and he held his hand out "You can't walk across the road without holding my hand" I held his hand and we walked across.

when we got into the park I ran over to the other kids "Shark, Bolts, Kacchan!!!" the boys turned around and started to tear up "Izu!!" they ran over to me and hugged me. we didn't move for a bit "Izu where were you?!" I looked at the ground "I was put in an orphanage.." they looked confused "Its a place were kids don't have parents or their parents didn't want them.." they all look sad "so how are you hear then?" I looked around and saw the person who adopted me "He is my new dad!" they all smiled, we decided to walk up to him "Are these your friends?" I nodded  "Its nice to meet your three" one of the kids ran off and got their mother "Mum look its Izu!" she looked down and knelt "its been awhile hasn't it" I ran up to her and hugged her "And who is this?" 

"Im Shouta Aizawa, I adopted him" she looked shocked "I didn't know you were put up for adoption" I looked at her "Well its nice to meet you" she smiled at him "are you these kids mum?" she shook her head "No, i'm just this guys mum" she shook Kirishima's hair "I was wondering if I could get your number, so these guys can hang out more" he grabbed out his phone and they exchanged numbers "us three better get going now, ill text you when we can all meet up" we said goodbye and left.

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